Chapter seven: not like her

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"Be a part of the love club
Everything will glow for you
You'll get punched for the love club
For the love club"
- song: The Love Club by Lorde

   "WORKING HARD IS IMPORTANT," Harry says while he walks around the room fixing and correcting peoples wands "but there's something that matters even more, believing in yourself." He gives a smile to Ophelia as she finally casted a spell correctly "Think of it this way, great wizards in history started out as nothing more then what we are now, students." He stops and looks around at everyone "If they could do it, why not us?"


Ophelia slowly made her way to Charms class. For some unknown reason she hasn't been sleeping well lately, she assumed it was because she was stressed out about school and D.A. It also didn't help that she had a raging headache and was practically dreading going to classes today. The sky was rather dark and cloudy. It was one of those days that you could tell was going to be bad.

She sat down at her desk and put her chin on her palm while yawning.

"You look like shit Woodlock" Draco stated as he sat down in the chair next to her

"No need to remind me." Ophelia says sarcastically not looking in the boys direction. Although now that she thought about it she really didn't look well. The past week of barely any sleep was starting to show, she had bags under her eyes and looked rather pale.

      Her ocean eyes stared hard into the wooden, scratched up desk.

      She began to daze off, not paying any attention to Professor Flitwick talking.


      She didn't even realize that the class had begun practicing a type of levitating charm. Ophelia rubbed her temple with her right hand as a sigh left her lips. She glanced around the room and chewed on her lip. "Wait what are supposed to be doing?" She asked Draco, while adjusting her glasses.

"Weren't you paying attention?" He spat to her clearly not in the mood to talk. Ophelia felt her face get red.

"No I wasn't paying attention, what page is the charm on?" Her voice was struggling to stay calm.

"Page 124." Malfoy aggressively said, it looked like no one was having a good day.

"Thank you." She muttered.

Her eyes scanned the page. She tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently as she realized she didn't understand how to perform the charm. A shaky sigh escaped her mouth. "How the hell do you do this?" she uttered under her breath as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"How dumb are you Woodlock? Can't even do one simple spell." He chuckled and shook his head.

      Ophelia just clenched her teeth together, usually its easy for her to hide the fact that she's upset but for some reason if was harder today.

"I just don't understand what we are doing." Draco could tell she was frustrated yet he didn't do anything to make her feel better, why would he though?

"You're Pathetic, its easy. You seem to be the only person to not get it four eyes" he glared at the girl "Yet I'm not surprised, you've always been stupid when it comes to things like this."

Ophelia looked at the blond "Please just shut up," she said while craning her neck to the side and rolling her shoulders back. For some reason she was struggling to keep herself calm "Or at least help me."

Draco laughed at her comment. "No I'm good. Your acting different today, fail another test?" He teased, but then he said something that really made Ophelia feel uneasy "Or are you having family issues back at home?" He spat at her with a slight laugh. Clearly Malfoy meant that as a joke, yet he totally forgot that her mother was dead. The Slytherin immediately wanted to take it back as he watched her aggressively shove her books in her bag and stand up even though class wasn't over "Ophelia wait I didn't mean it-"

       She walked out of the classroom before he could finish, ignoring all the stares and Professor Flitwicks calls.

Ophelia held back tears as she walked down the hallway trying to get back to the Hufflepuff common room without getting caught by a teacher. Ophelia doesn't cry often and she wasn't going to waste her tears on Draco Malfoy or just a bad day in general although it was hard holding them back. She instantly felt guilty for making a scene and leaving class, she wanted to go back and apologize to her Professor but that would be even more humiliating. This just wasn't like her, she usually can hide her feelings. Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar high-pitched laugh.

"Ms. Woodlock, what are you doing out of class?" Umbitch said to the struggling Hufflepuff.

Ophelia couldn't think of a Response before Umbridge said the words she was dreading yet knew was going to happen "Detention, Come to my Office after classes are done for the day."

'Great could my day get any better' Ophelia thought to herself.

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