Chapter twenty three: helping others

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"Why'd you waste all the time?
Back and forth in my mind"
-song: It's Only Right by Wallows

OPHELIA STOOD outside of Umbridges office with Luna, Ginny, and Neville. They were taking guard as Harry, Herimone, and Ron were inside of the pink toads room.

To be honest Ophelia wasn't quite sure what was going on. She asked if the golden trio needed her help -thinking they would just shush her off- yet to her surprise, they agreed. The only thing she knew was that Harry had a vision of his godfather -Sirius Black- being tortured by 'You Know Who' in the ministry, and that Harry is trying to reach him, and by doing that he needed to get to London somehow.

She leaned against the door while crossing her arms. "What do you think they're doing in there?" Ophelia asked, trying to get a conversation going.

Ginny shrugged "Not sure, though I've learned not to question them."

Ophelia hummed in response and shoved up her glasses. She huffed a sigh out and kept her eyes dancing around the room, just in case Umbitch decides to show up, or someone from the Inquisitorial Squad.

"Oh no," Ginny muttered as a high pitched laugh echoed through the hall.

"Should we warn them?" Neville asked referencing the golden trio.

"Maybe." Ophelia stood straight while keeping her eyes trained on the door. Like she was expecting Umbridge to walk in at any moment.

Neville began to walk towards the entrance of the toads office to get the three inside.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Ophelia's heart dropped to her stomach as she saw Professor Umbridge walk into the room, with the Inquisitorial Squad following her.

Draco's eyes stared into the side of Ophelia's head as Goyle gripped onto her shoulders, so she couldn't moved. Malfoy scolded himself for not grabbing Woodlock before Goyle did. Instead he held onto Neville.

Each member of Umbridge's Squad gripped hard into six of the seven shoulders, while Harry was sitting down in front of Umbridge.

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" Umbridge questioned Potter.


Ophelia's eyes widen as Umbridge slapped Harry across the face.

"You sent for me?" Professor Snape walked into the doorway of the room.

"Snape yes," Umbridge stood up straight "The time has come for answers whether they want to give them to me or not." She paused "Have you brought the Vertaserum?"

"I'm afraid you've used up all of my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang." Snape paused "Unless you wish to poison him, and I'll show you I have the greatest sympathy if you did," Snape looked at Umbridge "I can not help you."

Professor Snape began to walk out of the office.

"He's got Padfoot." Harry blurted out, making Snape stop walking "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

Ophelia's eyebrows furrowed as she had no clue what he was talking about. She clearly wasn't the only one.

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? What is he talking about Snape?" Umbridge spat out.

Snape slowly turned around with raised eyebrows "No idea." He told her before walking out the door.

"I have no choice Potter," Umbridge huffed "As this is a issue of ministry security, you leave me no alternative." She said "The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue."

"That's illegal." Ophelia protested. "You can't do that."

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him." Umbridge stepped forward to Harry, with her wand pointed directly at him. Ophelia exchanged glances between Ron and Hermione. Umbridge took a deep breath. "Cr-"

"Tell her Harry!" Granger cried out, taking Umbridge's attention away from Potter.

"Tell me what?"

"Well if you won't tell her, then I will." Hermione confessed. Ophelia almost applauded Granger for her quick thinking and lies.

"Where what is?" Umbridge gritted out.

"Dumbledore's secret weapon."

Hermione, Harry, and Professor Umbridge left the room to go to "Dumbledore's secret weapon" leaving Luna, Neville, Ginny, and Ophelia in the pink toads office, with the Inquisitorial Squad.

Ginny looked at Ophelia "I have an idea." She mouthed. Ophelia barely nodded her head.

Woodlock eyed Ginny as she watched her hand slowly go down to her pocket. Crabbe -who was holding onto her- had no clue what the Weasley girl was doing. She very slowly pulled out her wand and held it at her side, pushing it up her sleeve to hide it.

Ginny locked eyes with Ophelia once more, giving her a look to do the same as she did. She then did the same look to Ron, Luna, and Neville.

Ophelia took a breath and moved her hand up to her jean waist band where her wand was tucked away. Her gaze looked around, seeing if anyone was watching her. Her eyes locked with Malfoy, making her breath hitch.

Draco was about to say something about the suspicious activity but something got in his way. "Stupefy!" Ginny casted at Crabbe, making everyone aware of the situation.

Spell after Spell was started being casted between the five D.A members and the Inquisitorial Squad.

After a while of Stunning Spells, Disarming Charms and even a few hexes, Ophelia, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville made there way out of Umbridge's office.

Ophelia felt a hand pull her back. "Woodlock you shouldn't go with them. It might be dangerous." Draco said as held onto her arm, stopping her from following the group.

She looked at his worried expression. Malfoy had only stunned spells shot towards him, which he somehow blocked but it was a good distraction to throw at him as they tried to escape. She shook her head "No I want to help," She sighed "Draco I don't have time for this," She glanced behind her to see them already down the hall. She looked back at Malfoy and to his surprise, she kissed him on the cheek "I have to go." She murmured softly.

And with that she chased down the corridor, to catch up with her friends.

"How did you do it?" Granger called out as Harry and Her met the other five in the middle of the bridge in front of the school.

"Just a few Stunning Spells, and Disarming Charms." Ginny told them with a smirk.

"It was brilliant," Neville said "So how can we help?"

Harry sighed and shook his head "It's not that I don't appreciate what you guys have done for me, but I've got you in enough trouble that it is." Harry started to walk past them.

"Wasn't Dumbledore's Army about doing something real?" Ophelia questioned making Harry stop walking "About helping others and defending ourselves? Or were those just words to you?"

Potter stayed silent.

"Maybe you don't have to do this on your own." Ron told Harry.

Potter looked at everyone. He sighed "So how are we going to get London?"

"We fly of course." Luna smiled.

ok so this chapter is lowkey confusing haha but so I kinda took lines/plot in between the books and movies and kinda made the end my own (not rlly tho) so that's why it's kinda all over the place.

also thank you for 3k reads!!!!

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