12: Living on with Wang Sisi?

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In a split second, everything became chaotic.

With Lin Sanjiu's tackle, the skin on Marcie's elbow was scraped and hurt with a burning sensation. Just as she was about to say, "What the hell are you doing?", she heard Luther shout. Luther lifted his knife and rushed into the room, brandishing the knife above Marcie and Lin Sanjiu. "Clash!" a metallic sound rang out. With Luther's attack, the agile, thorn-like black shadow that was about to pierce Marcie's face was suddenly sent flying away. Marcie blinked her eyes and only then realized that it was the mouthpart of a duoluozhong.

Lin Sanjiu did a somersault and quickly stood up on her feet. Marcie stood up almost at the same time, feeling a sudden warmth on her face. She touched her face and found that her skin was still cut by the mouthpart and was bleeding.

A few drops of blood fell to the ground, leaving a few red splashes.

"Agu... Miss, can Wang Sisi drink this?" a soft, timid-sounding, child-like voice rang out.

The three of them did not move, their faces darkening.

The staff room door was wide open, and a vomit-inducing rotten stench rushed out. A duoluozhong wearing a light pink flowery dress—no one could possibly call that thing a little girl—was standing at the door.

She looked different from the security guard they had seen. Wang Sisi was much smaller than him and was a little plumper. She also had that wrinkly, layered brown skin, but her flowery dress still fitted her well. Unfortunately, there was a large black patch on the chest area of her dress, which either came from the mucus that Wang Sisi's body secreted or someone's blood. There were a few sparse strands of thick hair that bore through that sticky layered skin on her head. They were tied together with an originally pink butterfly bow. That was probably once her ponytails.

She seemed really happy as she held her dress and swayed twice. Her mouthpart produced a "gege" sounding laughter, "Thank you, sir, lady, and miss. Wang Sisi can eat again."

Just when Lin Sanjiu was about to say something, the girl thrust her nimble, thorn-like mouthpart forward. The three of them jumped backward at the same time, dodging her attack. The mouthpart swept across the floor, and the blood on the ground disappeared.

As the blood entered her mouth, Wang Sisi suddenly made an "ugh" sound. Her mouthpart emitted a furious buzz. "It tastes bad! It tastes bad! I hate this!" Compared to the security guard, her articulation was so much better. If they closed their eyes, it would sound as if she was a normal child throwing a tantrum.

Thereafter, her lidless eyes turned and locked on to Lin Sanjiu. "You're the lady who isn't nice at all."

Lin Sanjiu could feel the acid churning in her stomach. She suppressed her discomfort and coldly said, "We underestimated you. I didn't know that a duoluozhong like yourself could possess such intellect..." She was much taller than Wang Sisi and stood right in front of the staff room door, so she could easily see the entire interior of the room.

There was a work desk behind Wang Sisi, and a dead middle aged man was lying flat on it. There was a large bloody hole near his throat, and the stretch was coming from him. Under the high temperature, the dead body was already quite badly decomposed, yet that fear that was plastered on his face was still ever so clear.

At this moment, Luther's eagle eyes came in handy. He scanned the room, and gasped, "Xiao Jiu, Marcie, there is a nametag on that dead body. His name is Wang."

Marcie felt a shiver crawl down her spine and gave a quick glance at Lin Sanjiu as she thought of something. Her conjecture was proven the very next second.

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