21: Welcome Back

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The third passive skill that she had developed last night couldn't have been timelier.

In the dark, Lin Sanjiu managed to avoid the kitchen knife thrown at her from the staff room with a quick dodge. She silently thanked the heavens. Without her Overall Physical Enhancement ability, she would not have been able to dodge the smelly kitchen knife that Wang Sisi suddenly threw at her, much less the attacks of that crafty and speedy green vine.

The kitchen knife fell not far from her and made a clanging sound. In the time that Wang Sisi's attack missed, Lin Sanjiu had already nimbly jumped backward and conveniently closed the door with a bang, blocking other incoming attacks. Only then did she hear a series of dragging sounds from the other side. After that, she heard the muffled voices of both Luther and Marcie.

Through the two doors, Marcie's voice had an unmasked anxiousness, "Xiao Jiu, are you alright? Try to leave quickly; we don't have the keys to enter!"

"I'm alright! I already came out of the room!" Lin Sanjiu replied loudly. "The little desiccated corpse pulled off the knife in its mouthpart and threw it at me just now, but I'm unharmed!"

As Wang Sisi hissed angrily, Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt the vibration of the door she was leaning against. It was as if it had been struck violently by something—probably Wang Sisi's mouthpart. Lin Sanjiu took a few steps away from the door hurriedly and quickly relocked the door with her key. Hearing Wang Sisi's frustrated screech, Lin Sanjiu took out the lighter in her pocket and lit it.

Ever since her body had become enhanced, her night vision had improved significantly as well. Even without light, she could see with about 60% to 70% clarity in the dark, so she did not need to look blindly for a light source like a moth. However, that was also why she didn't carefully check her surroundings before. She was so focused on returning to the supermarket that she ran straight in when she saw a door, only to come face to face with Wang Sisi's deformed face.

Since she couldn't return immediately for now, she decided to use the light from her lighter to explore the area. When her eyes swept across the area, Lin Sanjiu promptly held her breath uncontrollably. Just ten steps away from her, she saw rows of shelves filled with goods, standing at the height of at least two people. At a glance, the shelves were different from those in the supermarket. They almost touched the ceiling, and each level of the shelves was filled with properly packaged boxes. She could tell that the majority of the boxes were food and drinks.

She suppressed her excitement and jogged to the front of the shelves. She couldn't help but gently touch the boxes of mineral water with her hands. Last night, after her ability was discovered, the three of them started from scratch and counted the amount of food and water they had. They had to concede that what they had left was an aftermath of a pillage. Even though there was quite a significant amount of goods left, after what they had consumed, there were only enough supplies for another two weeks.

"I was wondering why we couldn't find the warehouse..." Lin Sanjiu laughed till her eyes glistened. Speaking to herself, she softly cursed, "So you've been hiding here, with a desiccated corpse guarding the door, no less!"

When she went back, she had to think of a method to store all the things in this warehouse.

The bottles of "life source" wrapped in a pink hard case glowed under the light of the flame. As she scanned the shelf full of mineral water, Lin Sanjiu opened a box and took a bottle, as she was feeling thirsty.

Just then, she heard Luther and Marcie's voices from the other side of the staff room door once again, "Xiao Jiu, what are you doing now? Can you think of a way to get back?"

"I'm okay! I found the supermarket's warehouse..." Lin Sanjiu replied. She sat outside the staff room entrance, deciding to rest for a while to regain her energy. There was confidence and resilience in her voice as she said, "I will definitely find a way to get back, don't worry."

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