69: Destroying The Oasis in 30 Seconds

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"Before the climate changed, before the temperature was high enough to kill, I was just an average Joe with a normal family. I lived an ordinary life with my wife of almost six years and my three-years-old twin girls. We were happy. Even after the apocalypse, I still felt that I was extremely lucky. My wife and two daughters managed to develop the Heat Resistance Adaptation ability.

"I was the only one who gained an active skill. Even though it was nothing incredible, I tried my best to protect my family. I managed to get food, water, and a shelter. I always had a muscular build, so none of the duoluozhongs could get close enough to harm my precious daughters. But the gods suddenly withdrew their blessings one particular night.

"That day, we drove for a long time, so the engine overheated. We needed time for it to cool down and we were also running out of gas. I knew that there was a gas station just a couple of streets away, and there was even a small shop selling car accessories. Of course, I would never leave my wife and children in an unfamiliar place just like that. Before I parked the car at the gas station, I surveyed the place three times and checked very carefully. The place was safe, there were no duoluozhongs, there weren't even any other humans.

"I found a number of useful items we could use and even saw a few duck plushies at the entrance of the shop. I was happy and quickly picked out two clean plushies. My daughters used to insist on having their rubber ducks in the bathtub before they bathed. At the time, I thought it would be a great idea to give them these two duck plushies since they could no longer bathe in a bathtub.

"While I carried cans of coolant and gas, reflective sheets, and two large duck plushies, I had to crook my head to look at the road ahead. When I walked out of the gas station, I realized that there were two brown figures with carapace-like skin standing on both sides of my car. It took me at least a minute to recognize them for what they were. Perhaps, I had unintentionally made a sound, for the two figures straightened their backs and turned to look at me. I finally saw their human-like faces and their long mouthparts.

"My wife's blood was still dripping from the mouthpart of the duoluozhong nearer to me. I can still clearly remember the duoluozhong standing beside my wife's gray, lifeless face...

"'Hey, are you full? Let's go. That person looks pretty strong,' it said to the other duoluozhong.

"'But I haven't finished drinking the blood of this young one. It's so fresh...'

"My memory becomes a little hazy here. I vaguely remember throwing down everything in my hands. I flew over, determined to save my daughter who might still be alive...

"'Oh! I know! Let's do this...' the duoluozhong replied quickly and swiftly stuck its mouthpart through the car's window before pulling it out again.

"Two little corpses dangled from its long mouthpart, and they looked like my daughters. The duoluozhong had used its mouthpart to pierce through both their heads, just like a kebab, and pulled their bodies out of the car. While I let out a heartbroken howl, they stretched out their wings. This made me realize how they could suddenly appear...

"After that, I never saw another winged duoluozhong again. Who would've thought that they were just around us," Hai Tianqing concluded, his eyes plastered on the large number of duoluozhongs flying in the air and on the roofs of the buildings. He slowly stood up and said, "This is now my paradise. I will not leave unless I kill every one of them."

Lin Sanjiu stood in front of her truck, quietly listening to his story.

Professor Bai sighed softly. "It's all my fault. I led them here, so I inadvertently caused the death of your wife and children too."

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