104: Hurray for Friendship?

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Lin Sanjiu, who currently had no idea about her companions' predicament, was at the bottom of the ocean, feeling at a loss as to what to do. Shen Lianqi's friends stood right in front of her, and by convention, she should greet them.

Shen Lianqi was in high spirits, seeming to be extremely happy to introduce his friends to Lin Sanjiu. On the contrary, she could not even bring herself to smile. She held her [Ability Polishing Agent] up in the air, and under the illumination of the silver light, she saw three fully drenched... people and every minute detail of their appearances. Even if Shen Lianqi hadn't noticed anything weird before, he should have by now. However, he seemed unbothered.

In any case, his "friends" shouldn't be three bloated cadavers, should they?

To be accurate, they were not mere cadavers. They no longer had their original body frames, but rather, they looked like bloated humanoid sacs. Every movement they made was followed by a pitter-patter sound of dripping water. They had a putrid stench of rotten flesh soaked in water. It was obvious that these three "people" were passengers on the ship that had died when the ship sank during the tsunami. Despite their waterlogged faces, there were still traces of their prominent noses and deep-set eyes, so Lin Sanjiu could tell that they were not locals. The reason why these bloated corpses could still walk, smile, and speak was probably because of the long mouthparts on each of their faces.

'They're aquatic duoluozhongs,' is what surfaced in Lin Sanjiu's mind. With a quick gesture, she pulled out her mouthpart weapon with serrated edges, which was even longer and sharper than the ones on the duoluozhongs' faces, and immediately took a defensive stance.

Shen Lianqi immediately furrowed his brows. "Miss Lin, what are you doing?"

Before Lin Sanjiu could say a word, the obese — perhaps, he might not have been fat, but there was no way of telling how he originally looked — middle-aged man patted Shen Lianqi's shoulder and smiled. "Hey, it's just a normal reaction. Seeing us like this, she would definitely be frightened..."

The woman on his left, with only a few sparse maroon hairs on her head, spoke. "Hello, Miss Lin. Don't worry. We come with no ill intentions. Even though we now look like unsightly monstrosities, our hearts are still the same. We are still human at heart."

The woman sounded very gentle as she caressed her own face for a little while. This action made a piece of her rotten skin fall off her face. Lin Sanjiu nearly vomited when she saw that, despite the woman's words.

Given that they'd been soaked in warm water for so long time, it was no wonder that their bodies were in such a state. The last "person", whose body had decomposed to a state that made it impossible to tell his or her gender, did not say a word. Shen Lianqi stepped forward and ardently said, "Lin Sanjiu, listen to me. In this world, duoluozhongs initially have horrifying appearances, but as they consume more and more people, their bodies restore to a better condition. I've seen quite a lot of duoluozhongs who almost look like any other human on land."

He pointed to the three duoluozhongs and said earnestly, "But look at them! Whether it's Miss Hannah or my bro Hank, the state of their bodies clearly show that they haven't consumed any humans!"

"That's because there is no one in this goddamn place for them to consume!" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help shouting.

"What about me?" Shen Lianqi hit his chest. "I've lived here for more than a month, yet they never tried to attack me!"

This was something that Lin Sanjiu could not refute. Seeing her rendered speechless by Shen Lianqi's argument, the duoluozhong called Hannah sighed. "Miss Lin, I hope you're the kind of person that judges a book by its cover. As time goes by, you'll discover that we're not as you think."

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