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Cedric was dismayed when the Malfoy twins informed him of what occurred between Carina and our dear Wonder boy as well as the rise of Slytherin House. Actually, Cedric was quite furious with the Gryffindor boy and if Draco didn't assure him that his words would not be easily forgotten let alone unpunished, he would have gone to confront him on his own. Nobody could be mean to his favorite pair of twins without his saying.

One thing was certain, peace in Hogwarts was no more. The unofficial truce between Gryffindor and Slytherin was now non-existent. The two Houses were at each other's throats, hexes were thrown unexpectedly, cruel pranks were made and detentions hours were mostly booked with students. Well, usually those students were Gryffindors since Slytherins are cunning enough to cover their tracks.

Word got around quickly that the reason for this act of war was none other than Harry Potter. Therefore, Hogwarts was divided. Because of Cedric's influence and close friendship with the Malfoy twins, Hufflepuff purged their loyalty to Slytherin whereas Ravenclaw having enough of Carina's discrimination against them stood by Gryffindor.

The Golden Trio of Gryffindor was always up against the Royal Duo of Slytherin. Draco, not contained anymore, made Potter's as well as Weasley's life miserable while in the mere presence of one another wands would be pulled up ready to attack or defend. Moreover, Carina and Hermione Granger always competed rather fiercely with each other in their classes, obviously, their partnership also severed along the way.

Carina strongly ignored the existence of the Boy-Who-Lived and ever since their last encounter, that ended with him having a broken nose, she neither spoke nor glanced at him, allowing her brother to do any unnecessary talking. Unfortunately, Harry wouldn't really take a hint and give up altogether trying to get a hold of her.

Cedric, on his part, always made sure to keep away the twins from the source of their anger to prevent as many fights as he could. However, he did cast a nasty spell towards the Weasley twins, in the response of casting a tripping hex to the Royal Duo, forcing their tongues to grow big enough to reach their feet. The Hufflepuff Prefect did gain detention along with the student's body respect and surprise. Who could have thought that Good Boy Diggory could be so cruel with his wand?

Most of the teachers were distraught with the sudden change of events. Professor Dumbledore would glance at the Slytherin Table, particularly were Carina and Draco would be seated, in utter disappointment. Some teachers, for example, Professor McGonagall, would purse their lips with a look of disapproval on their faces. Others tried to calm the feud, such as Professor Lupin, but it would only end in disaster. Though Professor Snape was in a good mood since everything was as it was supposed to be, Slytherins not getting along with Gryffindors and vice versa to put it in kind words.

Meanwhile, the usual Christmas decorations had been finally put up. Flitwick and McGonagall were finally done with their twelve Christmas tree, each glittering with golden stars. Thick streamers of holly and mistletoe were strung along the corridors and there were mysterious lights shone from inside every suit of armor. In every corridor was a powerful and delicious smell of cooking.

Draco and Carina were extremely nervous to meet Cedric's family. The night before leaving for the holidays, they spent it in Slytherin's Common Room going over their manners which meant for Draco to be cautious and not to insult people while for Carina to try to keep the belittling in minimum.

"Stop fretting! My parents are going to love you guys." Cedric said as they were seated in a compartment in Hogwarts' Express.

"How are so sure?" Carina asked uncertainly.

"That's right, in case you have forgotten," Draco explained, looking even paler than usual, "Malfoys are not really known for light magic and given to the fact that we are always sorted to Slytherin, the 'hates-everything-but-pureblood' House, doesn't really help our case."

Carina Malfoy//h.potterWhere stories live. Discover now