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"You're pathetic." she stated.

"And you're insufferable." he claimed rolling his eyes.

At eight o'clock on Thursday evening, in the History of Magic classroom there stood Carina Malfoy and Harry Potter glaring at one another. They were standing facing each other with fierce scowls, blue clashing with green, both being unable to cooperate since Harry didn't agree with Carina's teaching method whereas she didn't have a choice but try to change his mind.

"Why are so against this?" Carina asked frustrated.

"It's unnecessary." he said almost in a snapping tone "Why do we have to use the Boggart?"

"You told me that your greatest fear is none other than a Dementor." she pointed out.

"So?" he frowned.

Carina sighed annoyed "The spell that I am forced to teach you is highly advanced magic and well beyond O.W.L.s level. It's one of the most powerful defensive charms known to our kind, nothing coming close to it till today. It is an extremely complicated and difficult spell that when it works correctly will conjure up a Patronus." she grabbed her wand, making him flinch afraid that she would hex him off. Carina scoffed at his reaction and said "Expecto Patronum" then a fox appeared dancing around Harry Potter while his green eyes followed it until it finally disappeared.

"That was brilliant." he said with an expression of awe and wonderment.

"A Patronus is a kind of anti-dementor," started Carina "A guardian that acts as a shield between you and the dementor. It is a positive force, a projection of the dementor feed upon, can you guess what?"

"Happiness?" Harry replied his never wavering attention on her.

Carina nodded "Happiness, hope even the desire to survive. A Patronus is unique to every wizard or witch who conjures it. As you saw mine takes the form of an Arctic Fox-"

"Wait a minute." Harry interrupted with a confused look on his face "How do you know the difference between the arctic and the regular fox?"

"Based on the difference of their face, ears, and tail."

"You studied your Patronus?" Harry chuckled amused.

Carina narrowed her blue eyes "May I continue?"

Harry gestured with his hand and a slight bow "Sorry for the interruption your excellence, you may proceed."

"Do not force me to hex you." she said half-heartedly with a small twitch in her lips threatening for a smile and continued "Now, a Patronus can take two forms; corporeal and non-corporeal. Corporeal is one that is fully-formed and incorporeal resembles a burst of vapor. So, don't expect anything big in your first try."

"How many attempts did it take you?" he asked curiously.

"I wasn't counting but it took me about a month to conjure a corporeal and I practiced almost every day." she answered honestly.

"I still don't see why we need the Boggart."

"Potter," she said in an austere tone "your Boggart turns into a Dementor and unless you want to go hunting for the real ones, this will do." Carina waited until Harry nodded in hesitation making up his mind.

Carina nodded in approval and went to stand next to the trunk that the Boggart was held in given by Professor Lupin then she started to speak "You need a single happy memory. It has to be something powerful and true. Don't for a second believe it's easy, you need to focus on that feeling when you say the incarnation and just point your wand."

Carina Malfoy//h.potterWhere stories live. Discover now