~I should've realised..~

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~Daichi's Pov~
Seeing Suga in that jersey.. it killed me. I'm not gonna lie, and I know it's killing the rest of the team. I should've realised how much Suga did for the team. All he was, all he is.. he looks so happy.. I wish he looked like that with us. I absolutely hate the fact that I let go.. I should've just.. been a better person. A better Captain, a better friend.. a better everything. If I had been better, he'd still be here. Will Karasuno, flying. But, he's not. We were soaring, and Suga.. was still on the ground, getting ready for takeoff.. and he never got to fly until now. Him and his team.. are amazing. I need him to come back.. he was my wall to lean on.. and now my walls gone and I'm left with nothing. He called me by my last name for the first time in.. 10 years? It's been affecting Kageyama the most.. I should've realised how hurt he was about Kageyama replacing him. And Oikawa took advantage of it..

I want our setter back.

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