Thank you guys, honestly. ❤️

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Now, I never ever expected for my little story to get over 1000 reads in under like- a month. This is honestly so crazy, and I really just wanted to thank you guys. I've made a chapter like this before, and I've put little A/N's about updates and how many reads, and how much I love you guys. But I honestly just wanted to thank you guys. You've all been so sweet and supportive in the comments and messages! Thank you all so much ❤️ I never expected for people to like this. Thank you for reading the shorter chapters, thank you for waiting for updates. I just wanted to actually thank you guys. I just recently started getting into anime. I started watching Haikyuu!! In June I think- I'm almost to the second season, which unfortunately I can only watch up to the second season until I can find somewhere to watch the rest of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you guys! I have no idea how to end this story when it comes to a close. So, that'll be something for the future.

Comment what you want to happen in the next chapter.
(Here's a spoiler, the chapter name is 'Nationals..')

Bye guys! Thank you, again for over 1000 reads. ❤️❤️

Bye! ❤️🥳

-Dino ❤️

•~Come With Me~• ~?Oisuga?~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt