~🥺Please.. come back..🥺~

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~3rd POV~
Koushi and Tōru we're walking in their beautiful city, the ground covered in pink blossoms, people having conversations, kids running around laughing, birds chirping. It truly was a beautiful day, and it just so happened to be 2 days before Nationals started. Nothing could ruin this day, absolutely nothing.. or that's what Tōru thought at the time.

The couple walking hand-in-hand, swinging their hands as they walked. Koūshi admiring the beautiful scene that was his city. His boyfriend, Tōru, was admiring Koūshi like he was the last thing he'd ever see.

A few minutes passed, they were getting thirsty.
"Babe I'm gonna go in and get us some drinks, ok?"
"Ok, Tō-Chan.."
Koūshi obviously too distracted to listen to what his lover was trying to say.
Tōru walked in, making sure to keep an eye on Koūshi, he had a habit of wondering off.

Tōru payed for the drinks, and left. He stopped to see his boyfriend petting someone's dog, he looked at the owner and saw Tetsurō Kūroo, one of his and Koūshi's long time friends.

They had small talk, then the couple left. Walking to a park, full of pet owners, horny teens, loving couples, old couples, and families. The sat at a bench, then it hit Koūshi. He needed to use the restroom, and needed it bad. He excused himself and went. Humming his and Tōru's favorite song.

About 10 mins later, Koūshi still wasn't back. He hadn't taken his phone, so that wasn't the issue. Where was he? Koūshi never takes long in the bathroom.. where was his lover at? He ended up waiting another 5 mins, but no sign of him. So Tōru decided to look for his lost lover. He walked over to the bathrooms and froze.. he couldn't move.. hot tears fell down his face..
What he saw.. was unbelievable..

His lover, Koūshi Sugawara was kissing Yūji Terushima.
The two boys froze, one out of fear and the other out of anger.
"Babe- I swear.. I-it's not what-"
"It's not what it looks like!? Huh!? So it doesn't look like your kissing Terushima?"
"Baby- h-he-"
"Save it.. we're over."
Then Oikawa left, angry and.. sad. He felt so stupid to trust someone like he had trusted Koūshi.

Koūshi froze.. he didn't want to kiss Terushima. Terushima made the first move, Koūshi pushes him off multiple times, and he kept kissing him, not letting him go.

Koūshi ran after Tōru, he ran like he was running for his life.. he was running for his life. Tōru was his life.. and he'd lost it.

He saw his lover, he was crying and sitting at a table.
"Babe- I swear.. please just listen to me.."
"No.. there no more "baby" don't ever call me that. We're over, Sugawara."

Tears streamed down Koūshi's face..
Sugawara.. not Suga-Chan, Koū-Chan, or even Koūshi. Just Sugawara.. he.. started balling.. he'd lost everything.. and it was all Terushima's fault..

Tōru would never trust Koūshi again.. with anything.. how was he supposed to deal with this?

The smaller setter watched as his whole world came crashing down, the watches as his Ex-Lover walked away.

"Please d-don't l-leave me.."

Ahh! Omg- this is like my first super Angsty chapter.. I'm finna cry 😭
I'm so so so sorry for this 😤
It had to be done though.
Hopefully this was good! I like writing like this.. the beginning of this chapter was my favorite part. I think the next chapter might be angst + smut. Like "Ex sex" ya know? Yeah.. but idk.

603 words.

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