Updates, Posting Schedule, and more.

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Okay, so Imma have a posting schedule. I'm gonna post a new chapter every three days, or at least once a week. Another thing I'm doing, is switching the ships once again. It's gonna be KageTsukki. Sorry for the KuroTsukki shippers! But every other ship, will stay the same! So sorry about the slow updates, or the bad writing. My family's going through Custody issues and then my school and it's a lot.

So sorry for the people who don't like the storyline- I promise there's gonna be one. I've been doing research and stuff- and I'm more comfortable with some of the characters personalities.

By Christmas I'll have a CrunchyRoll Premium account, so I'll have to catch up on Haikyuu!! And the chapters will be better, and less OOC.

My writings gotten a lot better, and I'm in love with this book. I'm so glad you all love it too.

Thank you for 15k reads! I can't believe I have that many- I didn't even believe it when we it 1k, now 15k!? Crazy..

There also will be a LOT more of Seijoh.

Yes they are still in school, I'm making it to where there are 4 years instead of 3, so the 3rd years are kinda like- Sophomores? That's the grade before Senior, right?

Basically it's like a normal American Highschool.

Idk- is there anything else I need to address?

Ah! Yes! If any of you HAVE seen the 2nd and 3rd season of Haikyuu!! And there's important things in those to seasons, please message me privately and tell me those important things so I can TRY and put it in the story.

Also, requested storylines ARE STILL open.

I love all you little Worker Bees! ❤️

Bye! Ily! ❤️

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