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I felt bad about Natasha, she seemed like she has been through loads of stuff, I couldn't imagine if one of my siblings died. Though that wouldn't happen, but she kept everything together acting all right.


I walked with Neville and Harry to the lake. Ron hasn't been talking to us because he felt betrayed, so that means Ron wouldn't help me with practicing. If we do practice again I'm going to use emotion manipulation, basically means I have the ability to make people feel a type of emotion. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny walked towards us. We heard them whispering, but I knew they were arguing.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus was told by Dean, told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you." Hermione was out of breath, "Is that right? Well...what?" Harry looked at Ron. Hermione whispered to Ron and she walked back to Harry. 

"Dean was told by Parvati...please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's is looking for you." She turned around, "well you can tell Ronald-"

"I'm not an owl!" Hermione shouted at Harry. I went by Neville who was observing some type of plant.

The next day, I was walking with Harry, "where are you going, Harry?" he didn't respond and walked up to Diggory.

"Can I have a word?" Harry asked Diggory.

"You stink, Potter." One of Diggory's friend yelled.

"Silencio!" I pointed my wand at Diggory's friend making him shut up, "Shit! That actually worked. Sorry, not sorry!" I laughed and followed Harry and Diggory.

"Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of us." My mouth dropped when Harry said that.

"DRAGONS! Are they trying to kill you!?" I whispered yelled and decided to leave them alone. I walked and sat down by a tree and opened a spellbook.

"Mudblood!" I looked up and Malfoy was sitting in the tree, I ignored them and continued reading.

"Listen to me!" Malfoy shouted, "useless!"

I saw Harry walk by me and run up to Ron, "oh no, this can't be good." I ran to both of them.

"Anything else." Ron looked hurt, "Yeah stay away from me!" Harr shouted at him.

"Fine." Ron walked away hitting my shoulder.

"Why so tense, Potter? My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament!" Malfoy jumped from the tree, "He disagrees, he doesn't think you'll last five." Malfoy and his goons chuckled.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy!" I decided to see how this played out.

"He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic," Harry yelled and walked away.

"Pathetic?" Malfoy took out his wand.

"Oh no, you don't, sonny!" professor Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret and scolded Malfoy. Professor McGonagall came and yelled at Moody. The professor dropped the ferret in Goyle's pants, Professor McGonagall turned the ferret back into Malfoy's original self.

"My father will hear about this!" he shouted and professor Moody was chasing Draco around the tree. I left laughing and accidentally bumped into Diggory.

"Sorry." I apologized and walked away before he could say anything.

The next day was the first task, which was dragons. Ron forgave me and I didn't have to manipulate him. We stood by each other and all three of us were anxious for Harry.

"I just hope he doesn't die," I whispered to Ron, "We use your powers to move the rock or something," Ron suggested.

"Maybe, if he really needs it, but that would be cheating," I whispered to him.

"Will you stop whispering! What do you guys talk about?" She crossed her arms and looked away.

The cannon went off creating everyone, including me, to cheer. I saw Diggory exit the tent, he was up first. He managed to get the golden egg, but most of his robe was burnt from the dragon. Next was Fleur and then Krum who successfully had the possession of the golden egg, which meant Harry is going last. Harry stepped out staring at the golden egg. Everyone was silent and as Harry took another step the dragon knocked him down. The dragon exhaled out the fire, almost hitting Harry. We all gasped, Harry ran behind a rock. The dragon knocked him down and hit his head on a piece of stone. He got up and ran behind a larger rock. I put my hands ready to move any rock, but Ron push my hands down and shook his head. I saw Hermione at the corner of my eye frowning.

"Accio fire-bolt!" Harry yelled. I saw the broom fly from the sky, flying towards Harry. The dragon started to exhaled fire from his breath onto the rock Harry was hiding behind. The dragon stopped and Harry mounted the broom causing everyone to cheer. The dragon's chained unhooked and chased Harry out of the arena. We couldn't see Harry anymore, we heard Harry scream. We all looked around unable to see Harry, suddenly he appeared. I screamed at the top of my lungs and clapped.

After the first task ended, I ran over to Harry and hugged him.

"you were amazing, Harry!" I released the hug, "Thanks! We better get going!" he said and I followed him.

When we got to the common room everyone was looking at Harry cheering. I didn't see Ron at all, so I decided to look around for him. I turned a corner bumping into him.

"What the hell! Why aren't you celebrating with everyone else?!" I scolded him.

"I could ask you the same thing." He sassed.

"I am forcing you, you will be best friends with Harry again. If you don't I will hurt you." I squinted my eyes. He nodded his head and we walked back to the common room, we walked in and we saw Harry opened the egg and there was a high pitch screeching.

"what the bloody hell was that?" everyone looked at Ron and I. Ron apologized to Harry and they forgave each other. I looked over at Hermione who looked angry and then at Ginny who was staring at Harry.

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