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I spent Christmas break with the Grangers, and there Christmas was similar to my family. Hermione and I talked about Ron and William, and I helped decorate the tree. William told me he was with his girlfriend's house during Christmas, no doubt I was a bit jealous. Although, Hermione's family is welcoming and was really nice to me.

A few weeks later, Hermione, Harry, and I were walking to class. Harry told us about what happened to the Weasley family. Apparently, their house was set on fire by Bellatrix Lestrange, and we told him that he was lucky that he wasn't killed. We walked past Ron and Lavender, Hermione, and I haven't talked to him since the Quidditch match.

"Excuse me, I have to go vomit." Hermione sarcastically said, and I followed her. I saw William and his girlfriend making out.

"Hermione, let's go the other way." She looked at me and then looked at them. We walked back to the common room and sat down on the couch.

"honestly just make out with McLaggen to get Ron jealous." I rolled my eyes.

"there's no way I'm snogging McLaggen. He's vile," she exclaimed

"no, he's cute but not my type." I laughed at she slapped my arm.

Some months later, I went to find William. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I decided to go to the boy's dormitory. I saw Ron holding a pillow and looking out the window, and Harry came in the room.

"Why are you here, Natasha? And what's wrong with him?" I shrugged my shoulders

"It's beautiful, the moon." He kept staring at the window

"Divine." I sarcastically said. I looked at all the chocolate wrappers on the ground.

"they were on your bed." Ron told Harry, "I can't thinking about her." I looked at Harry confused.

"she can never annoy me, I think I love her." Ron sat next to Harry on his bed.

"well, brilliant." Harry slowly walked backward, I pulled him to me. Ron was staring at us with a smile.

"I think he's broken." Harry nodded his head.

"do you think she knows I exist?" I looked at Harry confused, "well she's been snogging you for months." Harry exclaimed.

"snogging who are you talking about?" Ron frowned at Harry, "who are you talking about?" Harry asked him.

I walked to the card with another girl's face on it and showed it to Harry.

"Romilda Vane!" Ron yelled at him.

"very funny." And Ron threw his pillow at him.

"It's no joke, I love her!" he shouted and sat back down.

"What are we going to do?" I looked at Harry and he walked by Ron.

"fine, I'll introduce you to Romilda Vane." Harry took Ron's arm and took him out of the room. I followed them and sat by Hermione who was on the couch, she was reading a book. I saw Harry run into the room.

"Come! It's Ron!" all three of us ran to the hospital wing. We saw Ron laying in the bed.

"What happened?!" Hermione and I yelled, "he's been poisoned." Harry told us. professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Slughorn entered the room.

"Where's my won won!" Lavender ran through Snape and Slughorn, "has he been asking me for me?" she breathed heavily.

"What's she doing here?!" Lavender looked at Hermione, we both rolled our eyes.

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