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We got to the common room, Ron and Hermione both hugged me. Hermione, Ron, and I sat on the ground as Harry drank the vial of liquid luck. I walked over to William who looked like he's been crying.

"hey, William? Are you okay? Have you been crying?" he covered his face.

"William?" I moved his hands from his face, his eyes were red and puffy, "oh dear god, you look terrible!" I accidentally yelled and covered my mouth.

"gee, thanks." He rolled his eyes and laughed, I gave him a hug.

"do you want to talk about it?" he shook his head, "come on, please." He just stared at me.

"I saw Matilda kiss another guy and she then broke up with me." He sighed, "what was the guy's name?" I moved closer to him.

"Thomas Davies," William mumbled, I stood up and headed to the common room door.

"where are you going, Natasha!" he yelled and I turned around, "to kill that bitch!" I headed out of the room and he was following me.

"don't do this." He whispered to me. I ignored him and found Matilda around her friends.

"oh hi, um is it Natalie?" her friends laughed, oh this bitch is definitely going to get it.

"how about now?" I whispered in Williams's ear, "now you can." he smiled at me.

"you know, Matilda. I know everything that goes on in that little brain of yours, aren't Ravenclaws supposed to be smart? Well, I guess you've proven that wrong." Everyone around us was laughing, but her and her friends.

"you're such a bitch!" she frowned, "well, it takes one to know one." I turned around and looked at William laughing. At the corner of my eye, I saw Matilda take out her wand and pointed it at me. I turned around put my hands up making a red shield. I looked at everyone who looked confused. I lifted the benches in the air and threw it Matilda and her friends making them fall down.

"what are you playing at?!" she yelled. I levitated her in the air, "magic" I dropped her on the ground. I heard some footsteps around the corner, I quickly put back the benches. I walked over to Matilda.

"do you want some help?" I asked in my sweetest voice possible and put out my hand.

"I don't need your help, bitch!" she yelled at me, I looked at Professor McGonagall.

"Miss Jones, will you follow me to my office, please." Matilda quickly got up and followed her. I looked at everyone around William and me.

"Well, hello there Natasha." A guy walked up to me.

"um, hello? Are Thomas Davies?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"I guess you have heard about me before, hope it was good stuff. Would you, Natasha, go on a date with me." He smirked and took my hand.

"oh, Davies," I smiled at him, "I would rather stick needles in my eyes, or your eyes." I ripped my hand from his.

"you know what! Your ugly anyways." Davies shouted.

"Sorry, but I'm not a mirror!" I pointed the middle finger at him, "you slut!" I heard him say and walked away then heard him scream. I turned around to see William strangling him and punches his face. He walked towards me and put an arm around me.

"your hand is bleeding." I pointed out.

"oh, didn't notice." He sarcastically said and walked with me back to the common room, we opened the door to see Ron and Hermione.

"Bloody hell, William. Your hand is bleeding!" Ron looked at us, I rolled my eyes and brought William to the couch.

"I figured it out," I whispered to him, "figured what out?" he looked at me.

"How to get back." His eyes widened, "really?!" I nodded my head.

"before I was cursed by Harry, I fell asleep and saw those two men we kept hostage. They were holding each other as another time traveler said the time and location. Then he blasted a light to activate it. The two men disappeared and then appeared in the location the other man yelled." I exclaimed.

"How the hell are you smart?! It amazes me!" he hugged me, "well what can I say, I'm-"

At that moment, he kissed me I didn't pull away but started to kiss him back.

"ew! get a room!" I heard a Gryffindor yelled, William and I both laughed. We heard a scream from outside and we all looked out the window, I saw a skull cloud appear in the sky. William and I quickly went out of the common room, we saw Malfoy and some other people who were Death Eaters. I looked at Malfoy who didn't dare look at me.

Everyone headed to the courtyard, we all saw Dumbledore's body. Harry kneeled next to him, and he started to cry. I squeezed William's hand and watches as Ginny walked towards Harry. Professor McGonagall pointed her wand to the sky and everyone else followed along. All of our wand's tips were glowing and made the skull cloud disappeared.

The next morning was the last day at school, everything was going to be different. I was frightened, I just wanted to go back home. I locked myself in the bathroom not wanting to come out. Hermione and Ginny tried to convince me to come out, but I refused. I just sat there crying my eyes out. I saw some yellow sparks and William exited the portal he made.

"is this how you get around?" I wiped off my tears from my cheek, "why are you here?" I sniffled.

"Just checking on you." He sat down on the ground with me.

"I'm perfectly fine, as you can see." I rolled my eyes and we laughed.

"I don't think we should come back next year with everything that has been happening, we should focus on getting back." He nodded his head.

"come on, let's go" he stood up and putting his hand out. I just sat there.

"don't make me." He warned me, I didn't budge. He created a portal under me and I fell through and nearly hitting my head on the ground, but was caught by William.

"geez!" I punched his arm and I saw Ron, Hermione, and Harry looking at us.

"I'm here to say my goodbyes, I'll probably never see you again. You are amazing friends and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me, or us." I smiled and they all hugged William and I.

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