Midnight chats and secrets

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I hate final exam season. All you see are zombie students walking around campus, I've mastered the art of sleep walking which it how I got to work today. Luke doesn’t look so hot either.

"Man. I haven’t slept since Monday" He yawns.

"Bro, its Thursday" I state in shock, realizing I haven’t really slept since Sunday.

"I know, coffee helps" He smiles weakly. Our shift seems to go on forever and I'm sick of zombies walking in here. The only light of my day was when Alex came in to bring me lunch. He looks like a sexy as hell zombie. I gave myself a chance to date him breaking rule number two: NO DATING. But what the hell, I never was one to follow the rules.

As I get home ready to crash, I get a text from Alex telling me to meet him at our spot. We've been meeting up at midnight to just talk. I smile and forget about sleeping, I put on my jacket, scarf and head out.

"Hey there beautiful" I lay down next to him and cuddle into his arms. Rule number three, no cuddling is out the door. I tell him about my day and he kisses me in between my sentences.

"So, can I know a secret tonight?" So far, I've told him simple things like, my favorite foods and about my schools. Nothing too personal, I’m not ready for that yet. I think about one for a minute and it hits me.

"I got one" I smile and sit up. I know this is a bit personal but it’s something he'll never expect to hear from me.

"Shoot" He plays with my scarf.

"I lost my virginity when I was eighteen." He freezes and looks at me.

"Are you serious?" He lays up on his elbows.

"Yup, right in my room. With my mom inside the house" I smile.

"Damn" he laughs

"Your hardcore" I bent down over him and kiss him.

"You?" He point at himself and looks around. He mouth out the ME and pretends to faint.

"Come on. How old where you?" He opens his left eyes and wrinkle his nose making the cutes face ever.

"16" Holy crap this kid. I laugh out loud and he tackles me to the ground.

"What’s so funny huh?" I don’t really know why it was so funny but it just was.

"I don’t know, it’s just at 16 your still a stupid little kid, I guess, I don’t know. I wouldn’t have been ready to do it so young. Then again, I'm a girl so it’s different. Well it was, back then. It’s nothing to me anymore." He stops trying to kiss me and looks at me. His features fell and his face went serious.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean sex is just that. SEX. Nothing more than bodies we use for fun." I smile like if the words that are coming out of my mouth are normal. I know they're not but I won’t ever admit that. I won’t ever admit that I’m tired of having empty sex with random guys just to feel important for a short while.

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