chapter 21

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    I was very tempted to throw my homework out the window at this point. It was only November and I'm sure I'd gotten more homework by that time than I got all of last year. On top of all of that, I had the Order and quidditch. I'm not sure I'll be able to survive until N.E.W.T.S.

    "Maude!" I jumped, nearly falling out of my seat. I heard a familiar laugh and turned to see Sirius grinning at me. He slid into the chair next to me.

    "Hey," I said, returning his smile. "What's up?"

    "So I've been thinking."

    "Oh no."

    He gave me an indignant look but continued.

    "With everything that had been going on, we haven't even been on a real date yet." I nodded. He was right. We had been together for almost a month and a half, but never even had a first date.

    "So, Hogsmeade this weekend?" he asked.

    "Sure." I smiled.

    "Sounds like a plan," He said. "Now, can you help me with my potions essay?" I rolled my eyes at him.

    "Anytime, but wasn't it due yesterday?"


    I had put on at least five different outfits and still couldn't decide what to wear. I'm not even sure why I was having such a hard time. It's not like I had to make a good first impression, Sirius and I were already dating.

    I was digging through the bottom of my trunk when I found a familiar green sweater. It had been in my trunk since the night Sirius and I fought last year. I tossed it towards my bed, I would return it to him before we left for Hogsmeade. I finally decided on a pink long sleeve and jeans, then headed down to the common room.

    I spotted Sirius on the couch. I was glad I hadn't picked anything flashier to wear because he was wearing his usual non-uniform outfit: a t-shirt, leather jacket, and jeans, all in black. He raised a hand in greeting and walked over to me. I smiled at him and held the sweater up.

    "I've had this for a while, I never had the chance to give it back after we uh, you know...," I said suddenly feeling bad for not returning it earlier. I held the sweater out to him and he took it, tucking it under his arm.

    "I was wondering where that went," he said, smirking lightly. He looked at my outfit and frowned slightly. "It's rather cold out, is that all your wearing?"

    "Oh right, I was going to bring a sweater, I forgot it in my dorm. Give me a sec, I'll go grab it." I turned to head up quickly when Sirius reached out to stop me.

    "Just take this one," he said, handing his sweater back to me. "It will save us both a trip up to our dorms." I took it and pulled it over my head, even after spending all that time in my trunk it still smelled faintly of him. He grinned at me. "It definitely looks better on you than it does on me." 

    He then slung his arm around my shoulder, and pressed a kiss to my hair, as we walked out of the portrait hole, and joined the throng of people heading towards Hogsmeade.

    When we reached the small village Sirius pulled me into Zonko's. The small store was packed with students and I had to hold on to Sirius so I wouldn't lose track of him in the crowd. After I finally convinced him to leave the joke shop we wandered over to The Three Broomsticks.

    We pushed our way past the crowd in the entrance and settled into a small booth near the windows. We had just ordered our drinks when I saw James dragging Lily through the door. They seemed to be having some sort of minor disagreement.

    "-but I want to say hi!" I heard James say.

    "James you see Sirius every day, you don't need to interrupt his date because you haven't seen him for two hours," Lily said exasperatedly.

    The couple obviously didn't realize Sirius and I could hear them because they continued on like that for a while longer before Lily dragged James back out the door. Sirius was laughing as we watched them walk away.

    "I don't know how Lily puts up with him all the time," I said, though I was mostly joking, I knew that they loved each other.

    "I still don't know how James managed to win her over," Sirius said, smirking. "Though, I'm still not sure how I won you over after all that shit I pulled last year."

    "It took you a while" I teased, giving him a playful shove. Instead of pushing me back like I thought he would he put his hands on my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I felt him smile against my lips and I pushed myself closer to him for a moment before pulling away. I felt a couple of sets of eyes on us from around the pub, but I truly couldn't care less.



    "What's your favorite color?" I asked him, he looked a little confused, it's probably not what he expected me to say.

    "Red. Why?"

    "I just realized that I don't know your favorite color. I mean, I know who your best friends are, what your family is like, and all sorts of other things about you, but I didn't know your favorite color until now." I paused for a moment. "Mine is blue." I leaned my back against his chest and took a long drink of my butterbeer.

    "Okay. My turn." Sirius said.

    "What do you mean your turn?" I asked.

    "Well, you're right. We know lots of big things about each other, but I didn't know your favorite color until now either." he paused to think. "What's your middle name?"

    "Alexandra. Yours?"


    While we were sitting at our little table, I learned that Sirius drank his coffee with two sugars, that he would love to travel all over the world, and that his favorite time of year was fall. As our conversation continued on snow began to fall softly outside.

so in love with you // sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now