chapter 39

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"Happy Halloween!" Lily greeted us as we walked into their living room. We had all dressed up this year for the sake of Harry. Our following of the Star Wars movies since the seventh year had inspired our costumes. James was Han Solo (much to Sirius's disappointment), Lily was Leia, Remus was R2-D2, Sirius was Luke, Peter was C3PO, Harry was Yoda and I was Obi-wan.

The minute we entered the house Lily grouped us all together for a photo, and then we sat down for dinner. As usual, we ate quickly and went into the living room. Lily and James had recently bought a tv and Lily turned on the Charlie Brown Halloween movie for Harry, who was less interested in the movie and more interested in toddling around the room to say hi to everyone.

A couple of trick or treaters came by and every time without fail Sirius and James walked with Harry over to the door to meet them.

It wasn't a crazy party by any means, but it was the best time I'd had in months. Lily and James were smiling in a way that was rare these days and the constant pressure on my chest was alleviated. 

A few years ago we would have stayed all night, but now Harry's bedtime affected all of our lives and it was soon time to leave.

"See you tomorrow, yeah?" I asked, giving Lily a quick hug.

"I'll be here" She responded.

"Oh shit, I'm late!" Peter interrupted, but the minute the words came out of his mouth he seemed to regret them. "Bye, everyone!" He said quickly, before rushing out the door.

"Peter, wait! What are you late for . . ." James trailed off. Peter was already long gone.

"That was odd" Remus murmured.

"He probably just had a little too much to drink," James said, laughing.

"He was always kind of a lightweight" Sirius remarked.

"Yeah, anyways we should get going," I said ushering Sirius and Remus towards the door.

"Bye guys!" James called out.

"Buh-bye," Said Harry in a small voice, while waving his hand at us. I waved back at the small boy before the three of us left the house and disapparated.

When we appeared in the corridor outside our apartments we bade Remus goodnight and headed inside. I peeled off my costume and walked over to the kitchen, pulling out a box of cookies. I was about to eat one when Sirius walked up behind me and settled his head on my shoulder.

"If you eat the last cookie we're done," he whispered in my ear.

 I laughed and before he could react I popped that last cookie into my mouth. I slipped out of his reach and sprinted over to the couch, but before I even sat down Sirius tackled me onto the couch. I let out a loud laugh as we tumbled off the couch and onto the ground. I flopped onto my back and stared at the ceiling, and Sirius followed suit.

"Tonight was good." I smiled.

"It was," Sirius agreed. 

"Mhm," I mumbled.

"Oh, shit" Sirius muttered.


"I forgot my wallet at James's"

"I bet they're still awake, you could just apparate there and back quick"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do that," He gave me a quick kiss and before I knew it he disappeared from the room.

I got up from the ground and settled back onto the couch, knowing that Sirius would be back soon.

But then he wasn't back twenty minutes later and I began to worry. 

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