Chapter 68: She Will Be Loved.

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[I don't mind spendin' everyday
Out on your corner in the pourin' rain oh
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved]

      When we arrived at the place that the wedding was being held at, Yomara held my hand tightly. "Wow, we're actually here." She says, her voice shaking slightly. 

      I smile, "You're going to be great, I promise." She smiles and see her relax. She nods and we get out of the car. As we go up to the building to actually get into the garden, I see Ross pull up to the parking lot. "I'll meet you guys inside." I smile. Yomara looks over me and sees Ross in his button up and pants. 

      She smirks, "You get him, girl." She jokes going inside.

      "There's my beautiful girl." Ross greets hugging me tightly. "You look so beautiful." He compliments, taking a step back without letting go of my hands. 

      I smile, "Thank you. You look very handsome." 

      He shrugs, "I try." I giggle and I see the tie in his hand. 

      "Need help?" 

      "Yes, please." He hands it to me. I take it and wrap it around his neck. I tie it and fix his collar before checking my phone for the time. 

      "I have to go get ready." I sigh. 

      "You'll be great. I'll be sitting up front." He assures. He leans down and kisses me quickly before I turn and walk away. He walks to the wedding entrance as I enter the other entrance. 

      "Emily and Ross sitting in a tree..." Yomara sang, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" I rolled my eyes with a smile, 

      "Oh, shut up." I respond.

      "Hey, Matt." I greet, standing next to him. 

      "Hey." He replies. I'm handed my flowers and the beginning of the music began to play. The flower girls behind me get their baskets ready and their rose petals. From behind them, Yomara closes her eyes and takes deep breaths to calm her nerves. Robert jogged in and stood beside Yomara. She hugged him tightly and held onto his arm for dear life. I turned back around and noticed the first bridesmaid walk down. I linked my arm with Matt and finally heard the song. The words of Shawn Mendes echoed throughout the garden while the bridesmaids slowly made their way down the aisle.

      When it was Matt and I's turn, I looked back at Yomara who looked like she was about to pass out. "You'll be fine." I assured her. She nodded and Matt and I began to walk out. 

      "You're all I think about when I'm awake... Part of every night and every day... And everything's a mess when you're away... Now I ain't know..." I found Ross in the second row watching me. I smile and see the boys smiling as they saw me. I sent a tiny wave, which they returned. The look on Niall's face looked like a mix of pride and love. I look back up to Tom who looked nervous as hell. Matt and I separated and stood in our lines.

      "Psst." I called over to Tom. He looked over at me. 'Just calm down.' I mouthed. He nodded and took deep breaths before everyone stood to see Yomara. She walked down with Robert at her side. I saw her look at me. I smiled and saw her smile back. I looked over at Tom who had tears in his eyes at the sight of his bride to be. Soon, Yomara stood in front of me and handed me her flowers, taking Tom's hands right after.

      When it came time to say their vows, Robert handed Tom and Yomara their rings and sat back down. "Please repeat after me." The priest says. Yomara took a deep breath with a nod and repeated the phrases the priest said. "I, Yomara, take you, Tom, to be my beloved husband, to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you always. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life." Tom repeats almost the same thing while exchanging their rings.

      "Do you, Yomara Yamileth Lopez, take Thomas Stanely Holland-" I hold in my laugh at Tom's middle name. "-to be your husband?" 

      Yomara smiles and nods, "I do." 

      "And do you, Thomas Stanley Holland, take Yomara Yamileth Lopez to be your wife?" 

      Tom smiles, "Of course I do." 

      "Then by the power invested in me, I now present you husband and wife." The priest looks at Tom, "You may now kiss your bride." Tom pulls Yomara in by her hands and kisses her, both of them smiling brightly. I clap while holding the flowers and everyone cheers, claps, and whistles. They separate and smile at the guests.

      "Congrats, Mrs. Spidey." I congratulate her after the ceremony. She giggles and hugs me tightly. The boys and Ross stand beside me and smile at us. Yomara removes herself from me and looks at the boys. 

      "Thank you guys so much for coming. It means a lot." She thanks them. 

      "Of course we'd come." Harry says. 

      "Come here." Louis laughs out hugging Yomara tightly. The rest of the boys pile on her, making me giggle. 

      "I'm going to the restroom before we head out, I'll be right back." Ross tells me before leaving. I nod and see him walk off.


[She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5]



Okay, hang one diddly darn second before moving on.

I'm making this wedding kinda long for two reasons, 1. It's my best friend's made up wedding for God's sake. Of course I'm making a big deal out of it because I'm that type of friend. And 2. I'm planning something big to be coming up in the next couple chapters and I wasn't sure if it had been too soon or not, so I used the wedding as an excuse to time lapse. Good? Great.

P.S, it was Robert Downey Jr. 

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All the love, C. xx

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