Chapter 98: Play It Again.

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[And I said, 'Play it again, play it again, play it again']

      "You ready?" Niall asked, grabbing my bag. 

      I nodded, "Yep." Today, after a couple more days of being in Ireland, we were going home and I was prepared to be extremely jet lagged by the time we got there. Overall, our time here has been fun. I think I made a good first impression to Niall's family and thankfully, they looked like they liked me. But, I was relieved to be going back home. I missed my bed and my own home.

      Niall sat next to me on the plane after putting our things in the compartment and sighed. We used the public plane instead of the jet since it was only us and we didn't mind who saw us together. I put on the seat belt, following Niall's actions and opened the book to the bookmark where I last left off. "What are you reading this time?" He asked, trying to look at the cover. 

      "A book." I said sarcastically with a chuckle. 

      "But which one?" I showed him the cover of the book and he furrowed his eyebrows. "The Sun Is Also A Star?" I nodded, putting my glasses up. "Isn't that a movie?" 

      I nodded again, beginning to read. "Yes, I saw it after I read this book the first time." 

      "How many times have you read it?" 

      I shrugged, reading over the words. "I don't know... A lot."

      About two hours into the flight, Niall handed me an earbud. "Listen to this song." He said simply. I put my book down and grabbed the earbud, putting it in place. "Ready?" I nodded and he began to play that song that I'd never heard before. 

      "Is it new?" 

      He shrugged, "I don't know, but I like it." I nodded in agreement and continued listening to the song. 

      "I really like it." I said. 

      He nodded, "This might just be our new song." I smiled and shushed him to keep hearing the catchy tune.

      When the song ended, I spun my finger around a little bit. "Play it again." I said. He chuckled, but nodded and played the song over again. "I keep dragging around what's bringing me down... If I just let go, I'd be set free....Holding on... Why is everything so heavy?"

      There was something about that song that was... I guess, reassuring? I can't really explain it. I knew that Linkin Park had songs that were relatable, but I never got around to actually listening to a song of his. Now, I realize that they're really good and it feels like it's a reassurance that people feel these things, not just some people.

      "Hey, Niall?" I looked over at him after another hour or so of trying to fall asleep. 


      "My middle name is Lynette." I said randomly. I knew that he wanted to know what it was and that I wouldn't tell him. It's not that I didn't want to, or I was ashamed of it or anything, I just wanted to see how far he would go to try and guess it. Of course, I thought that it'd be nice to just tell him. After all, it's not like he'd make fun of it or anything. 

      "Lynette..." He repeated it to himself and looked down at me from where I was resting my head on his shoulder. "I like it." I smiled, "But why are you telling me this now?" 

      I shrugged, "You've wanted to know, so I told you." 

      He nods, "Fair enough."


      After one stop and many hours later, we finally made it back to LA. I yawned and stepped inside my apartment, kicking the door shut with my foot. Niall was going to go back to his place to put all his stuff away and such and we'd see each other after we got over our jet lag and get together with the boys for a late Christmas gift exchange since they had gone home for the holidays.

      I set my things down and walked further into the apartment, making a pit stop to the kitchen for a snack. I grabbed myself a granola bar and some juice since I had almost nothing. I really need to go grocery shopping. I sat on the couch, turning on the TV and watching Spongebob until I got tired and fell asleep.

      I woke up to my phone ringing from the coffee table, making me groan and grab it. "What?" I answered to the unknown caller. 

      "Way to greet your best friend." Harry said. 

      "Well, you woke me up from my sleep, what's the deal with that?" I yawned, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

      "Sleep? Why were you asleep?" 

      "You'd be too if you just got back from a whole other country." I said, putting on my glasses. 

      "Ha, ha. Anyway, what day were we meeting up, and where?" I stood up, grabbing the granola wrapper with a shrug. 

      "I don't know. You tell me. We also have to talk with the rest of the boys to see when they can."

      "We all can by now, Emily." 

      "Yeah, well don't forget, most of you are dads." 

      Harry laughed, "Alright, point taken." 

      "But I don't know. I guess whenever I get my sleep schedule back on track." 

      "And when will that be?" 

      "I don't know, couple days probably." 

      "Okie dokie." 

      "What's the rush? You teleporting somewhere or what?" I chuckled, from the other end of the phone, I could see Harry roll his eyes. 

      "No, I just really want you to open my gift." 

      "Harry, whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it." 

      "I know, but this one, I feel like you're going to absolutely love." 

      "Whatever you say."


[Play It Again - Luke Bryan]



don't forget, i have the playlists on my spotify that is linked on my profile that has all the songs for the chapters including the ones that are mentioned during the chapters. :))))

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All the love, C. xx

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