Chapter 88: Thinking Out Loud.

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['Cause honey your soul can never grow old, 
it's evergreen
Baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory]

Niall's Pov:

      On the way back home was quieter, but not less fun. We played games, like The Concentration Game that I refuse to lose on. We told each other jokes and picked at each other since we still had about five hours until we got home. She played her playlists and sang along quietly to them while reading on her Nook. Just like I promised her when we went to Target, I had bought her a new book and that's what I'm assuming she was reading.

      I kept taking glances at her, admiring the big glasses that kept falling from the bridge of her nose. Her dark hair was thrown into a ponytail and she pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth in concentration and her fingernails had white nail polish that was starting to chip off. I kept smiling, thinking about the fact that she was mine. I still don't know why she took me back. I don't deserve her, but she makes me believe that I do. "What did I do to deserve you?" I asked her, thinking out loud. She turned to me, her brown eyes burning into mine. I kept glancing at the road and back, making my neck start to cramp, but I didn't mind. 

      She smiled, "I don't know. You tell me." 

      I only shrugged, "I don't know. I don't deserve you, and yet, I have you all to myself."

      She giggled, the cutest thing that I've ever heard. "You do deserve me, Ni." She replies. I just hoped she knew how much I loved her. It was an endless love that I had for her. Kinda like that one song. I looked over at her, who went back to her book. 

      "Psst." I called, poking her side. She squealed and moved, making me laugh at her reaction. 

      "Don't do that!" She laughs. I looked over at her, smiling at how beautiful her smile was. Her smile was one of those things that's engraved into my brain by now. It had the light, happy person that she was most of the time. It was something that I was excited to see every morning that I woke up. 

      "You're so cute, you know that?" I questioned. I saw her cheeks flush and a small smile appeared on her face. 

      "Stop making me blush." She says, readjusting her position on the seat. I put my hands up in defense, still keeping them on the wheel. 

      "I'm only saying the truth, Em." She chuckles to herself and keeps reading her novel.

      After an hour or two, we both started to get hungry, just deciding on getting fast food. I turned onto the exit and kept driving, following the signs until a variety of fast food places. "Where to?" I asked, stopping at a red light. She made a thinking face, looking around until she pointed at the McDonald's. 

      "Let's go to McDonald's. Craving some chicken nuggets and a Hot-N-Spicy." She says, patting her tummy. Already knowing her order by heart, I nodded and turned to the McDonald's drive thru.

      I ordered for the both of us, which of course I didn't judge because I get way more than her and what she gets isn't that much. We were given our food from a middle aged woman and said our thank you's before leaving and back on the road. Emily immediately dug into her food and sighed, "Ugh, I love McDonald's." 

      I nodded, "Me too. Can I have my Big Mac?" She digs through the bags until she pulls out the Big Mac box, already making my mouth water. While driving, I ate and hummed to the songs that Emily played while she ate.

      After eating, she covered herself with my sweater and leaned the seat back, falling asleep to the music that played. We needed a few more hours until we arrived and I knew how she always got sleepy after eating. She yawned and removed her glasses, putting them onto the middle compartment. She snuggled more into my sweater and fell asleep. I turned down the volume of the radio and turned down the heater, since it was getting a bit hot. I sighed, and leaned back into the seat, driving at a steady speed until we got home.


[Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran]



just- awwwwwwe

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All the love, C. xx

STILL | 𝘯. 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘯 (book 2) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt