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"I wanna see you smile every day..."

Jimin didn't know how to act towards the taller who happens to be his new classmate... Although they met this morning, (and became attracted to him in an instant) Jimin still treated him as someone who's a stranger to him since people might misunderstood their relationship... The school year just already started, and he doesn't want to gain an enemy just because of Jungkook... So even if he doesn't want to, he tried to avoid the boy who basically eye fuck everyone who walks in front of them...

"At first, he's flirting with me, and now he's checking out on that girl with mini skirt..." He sighs while thinking. "I didn't know that he's a player... Such a waste..."

Jimin gave him one last glance before getting ready for their class... He will never let Jungkook distract him again, not even his leather pants and exposed chest...

After their class, Jimin quickly stood up from his seat and slung his bag on his shoulder then walk towards the door to exit... Don't get him wrong okay? He is just busy today that he needed to leave the room quickly... He isn't affected about Jungkook's new fling, or the fact that the latter shot him a smirk before hooking his tattooed arm on the girl's tiny waist...

"I'm this close in questioning my life decisions today... Why did I agree on Tae about asking them to join the club? Now I'm stuck with them for the rest of the year and that guy is literally giving me headaches..." Jimin murmurs.

He didn't noticed that the taller is following him, grinning widely while looking at his favorite view...

"Little Princess truly has an amazing body... His bubble butt surely is a gift that anyone would beg to ask... If one day he will let me touch him, I'll make sure to give him the best sex ever..." Jungkook thinks.

He followed the boy in the cafeteria where he found the guy that his hyung pining to... The said boy is quite the same tall as him but with slimmer built... He is also with another guy that looks like as if he is the son of Snow White, handsome and perfect...

"Chim!" Taehyung yelled from their seat. "We already save a seat for you... What do you wanna eat?"

Jimin smiled as he sat in between the two and answered, "Wanna have some salad and boiled chicken breast? I personally made it..." The smaller said proudly.

"You're eating grass and rubber chicken again?! Nuh-uh, I'll pass... The last time I ate your favorite food, I almost throw up... It almost taste like paper with nutmeg and oregano, something that I will never try again..." Taehyung gagged.

Jin chuckled softly, making Jimin ducked his head and looks away... His eyes quickly recognize the boy behind him, smiling lovingly. "Jungkook-ssi..."

"Hello Jimin-ssi... Do you mind if I join with you for lunch? Yoongi-hyung will be here any moment and the cafeteria is really crowded now, so it will be great to eat with you guys... You know, getting to know more..." The taller shot them an innocent look, making the eldest among the three agreed.

"Of course you may... Anyone who's friends with my brother and Jimin are my friends too..." He smiled and offer a handshake. "I'm Kim Seokjin or Jin-hyung, whatever makes you comfortable... Fourth year Film Major..."

Jungkook shakes his hand and replied, "Hello hyung, my name is Jeon Jungkook, second year Music and Dance major..."

Taehyung is in awe as he let the boy sit beside his best friend... He knew that Jungkook will be great for the smaller, but he didn't expect him to be this good... Double major students are either super smart and talented, or just simply the son of the underworld who isn't afraid of dying in the process... They are also the type of students who's popular enough to be known by half of the school's population...

"And what are you doing in your free time, Jungkook-ssi?" Taehyung looks curious.

The latter stole glances in the smaller, afraid that he might think of him differently... "Well... I usually go to clubs to party... But if not, I'm doing photography or playing drums in my cousin's bar..." He stated. "I also paint whenever I have lots of free time..."

Jimin bit his lip while listening to the taller's answer... Cause as much as he wanted not to be disappointed, he still felt that way... Maybe Jungkook is really the type of person to play around, someone who's allergic to commitment...

"You do have lots of hobbies, Jungkook-ssi..." Taehyung chuckled. "You and Jiminie have lots in common, well not all but you know what I'm saying... You guys will definitely have a perfect chemistry together... I can tell..."

Jungkook smiles a little as he nudge his shoulder to the smaller softly and whisper in his ear. "Hyung said that we are perfect for each other... Don't you agree as well?"

Jimin blushes by the way Jungkook interpret what Taehyung said... Even if he knew that the boy is just teasing him, his heart still feel something, as if everything is real...

"Stop teasing me and buy some food..." Jimin whines.

"Do you want anything, princess? A juice perhaps?"

"No thank you... I'm on strict diet, so I'm fine with water..." He shot him a shy smile, earning a low groan from Jungkook.

"Fine... But next time, you can't turn down my offer..."

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