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"And that was the moment I knew..."

Jungkook didn't go to school the following day, and Jimin isn't stupid to not know the reason behind it... Everything seems back to square one, and if you think about it, he's getting tired of Jungkook's mind games... He is aware that the said person didn't care about him as his friend, and the only way to stop the pain is to move on right? He shouldn't force himself to be with the latter who's nowhere to be found after their mini fight... He's tired... For whatever reason, his heart agreed to his mind that Jungkook isn't good for him..

He even consulted his friends regarding his concern and the fact that his Jin hyung looks upset with Jungkook is a real proof that he should stop....

"You know what Chim, screw him! He can't treat you right just because you're lecturing him about how bad smoking is to his health... How old do he think he is, four? He can't stop smoking, he can't stop fucking around too... What else can he do that he can't stop for good? Gosh! What a jerk!"

Taehyung slurps his drink silently, hands both gripping the plastic cup tight... He can't believe it! Jungkook is the person he wanted for his best friend since he look as if he can change for Jimin... But hearing those thing right now, it is safe to say that Jimin deserves better...

"I need to talk to Yoongi-hyung about this matter... I feel bad for my best friend, he doesn't need toxic people in his life..." He mumbled.

What appears to be a celebration became a huge mess to both Jungkook and Yoongi... The boy never expect that his hyung would just show up to the party just to punch the hell out of him in front of everyone...

"Didn't I warned you before about not messing up with Jimin?! That guy is literally out of your league but he still manage to treat you as friend... For fuck sake, what is wrong with you?! I can't recognize you anymore, I don't even know if you're still the same Jungkook I know before..." He scowls. "Yes, I am the one who influence you to smoke and drink and have fun, but fucking around as if you're a slut, that's not part of our plan Kook!"

The younger looks up to him in shocked... His cheek must have hurt considering that Yoongi put a little more force... He didn't fight back, not even once... He just stayed on the floor with those guilty eyes and wounded lip.

"If Taehyung wouldn't forgive me for tolerating your bullshit, then might as well ending this so called friendship for good cause I'm tired..." Yoongi clenched his fist. "I should have blame myself for being a bad hyung to you... I just let your life crumble, without caring about the consequences..."

Jungkook stood up and looks around... He let the strangers enjoy this fake happiness with him... That when he thought that life could be so much better with alcohol and drugs, he ended up losing people that truly cares for him... He wanted to scream, to beat himself up or even die, but he knew he can't... He needs to fix himself by seeking help... He must have done it before, then maybe things will be a lot different...

"H-hyung... I— I don't know myself anymore... H-help me... I wanna go back to my old self..."

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