VI. UNLEASHED - The Under the Sea Adventure with Spongebread

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VI. UNLEASHED – The Under the Sea Adventure with Spongebread

Narrator: The Prince was able to escape his gruesome fate as a dishwasher from the village Pipe and so together with his fairy continued their journey to the Kingdom of gold called Awaw Rikiriki Ikik Bochus Angulos in short Kingdom ARIBA.

They were traveling in the middle of the desert riding a camel.

Prince Cybric: Godfather…I wish another…water… (Down by the heat of sun)

Godfather: Sorry, your three wishes for a day were consumed. Better wait until tomorrow, thank you…tut…tut…tut… (Speaking like a phone operator)

Prince Cybric: Arrrgh…stop that nonsense and help me… (Nearly fainting)

Narrator: Then a huge sand quagmire swallowed them.

The prince woke up in a watery place…wait…it’s not…

Prince Cybric: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…air…I NEED AAAAAAIR!!! (He lost consciousness)

Narrator: Someone had saved him.

[Setting: Inside the Cammon Letscelebret Apapenawey Meyowski or CLAM palace, situated in Meaybarow Ebriting Legarlesofityus Anidispiyut Nowansiyualayb Dedo known as the MELAND the unknown kingdom of the underwater creatures. Yes, it is an under the sea kingdom…]

Narrator: Someone entered at the prince’s room…

Prince Cybric: (terrified) Who…who are you?

Narrator: The guy was a merman, a very repulsive form of an underwater creature. He has a fish’s face with piranha teeth, and one antenna on his forehead. He had the body of a killer whale with two legs.

Merman 1st: I am your personal attendant assigned by Princess Mabyuty Eketz Rara-ulala Mamamiyakontadora Aysyurbonita Ikawneverkontraor Dedodedoyu. The ever beautiful princess MERMAID and…my name is Macacatakot Evelly Rawndaklak Matsetebady Alayisdaconyelo Niyo the First…simply call me MERMAN the FIRST.

Prince Cybric: (Not convince) Hey, you aren’t going to eat me?

Merman 1st: Ha…ha…ha…that I won’t do…human taste is as bad as ordure. 

Narrator: The prince felt a relief. Then a beautiful dame came in.

Princess Mermaid: Are you alright now, my groom?

Prince Cybric: Yes, I am okay…and…groom? Me?

Princess Mermaid: Teeheehee…yesand you are now going to be in the transformation room to be suited as my husband…you didn’t like me as your bride?! (looking hurt and teary)

Prince Cybric: Oh…no…no…I am very honored…(acting with all dignity and charm)

In Prince Cybric’s thought: Yes…yes…this is sit…finally…after all this days… (his appearance inside his mind: there were singing angels and a spotlight on him while he was crying)

Narrator: But it wasn’t a happy ending. Why? Well, my little darlings, in order for him to marry the princess he must be transformed into a merman. Yes, the very likeness of Merman the First. The prince struggled but the mermen were stronger than him.

Meanwhile the fairy woke up by the heat of the sun.

Godfather: (jumping around) Ouch…ouch…hot…hot…

Narrator: He accidentally step on a magic lamp…someone appeared.

Smoke Man: Ho…ho…ho…I am the genie inside the lamp…but I prepare to be called Smoke Man…You who had released me from a hundred years bondage inside this lamp will be my master and be given three wishes.

Narrator: Godfather didn’t mind him and instead hopping around because of the hot sand. He uttered unmindfully…

Godfather:  I wish I had my shoes now!

Smoke Man: (clapped his hands once) Your wish is my command! (Thundering voice)

Godfather: Whoaaaah…heeeeeeelp….

Narrator: a giant pair of shoes came from the sky and fell on Godfather’s body.

Godfather: Aaaaaaaaaah…get this out of meeeeeeee!!! (yelling while struggling on the heavy shoes)

Smoke Man: Your wish is my command! (Clapped twice)

Narrator: They appeared in the Clam Palace in front of the transformation ceremony. The prince for the first time was pleased to see his fairy.

Prince Cybric: Godfather, help me! I don’t want to be like them!

Godfather: Hey, Smoke Man, get us outta here!

Smoke Man: Your last wish is my command! (he clap trice)

Narrator: They went back in the middle of the desert.

Prince Cybric: Why did that guy bring us back here!!!

Godfather: I don’t know…but at least you are safe now!

Narrator: Then after the commotion inside the under the sea palace, a human bread with cowboy costume entered. He was the mysterious with short name called Spongebread the baker. The princess fall in love to him, got married, and they lived happily ever after but after a while…

Mermaids/Mermen: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah…save your lives, Melanders!

Narrator: Spongebread the baker  had a hidden agenda. He went under the sea to get his secret ingredient and that is…


                The mermaids/mermen…to create his special bread spread called the mermipatty…

                And so, Spongebread the Baker and the rest of the Bread Patty Bottom Addict lived happily eating the special bread spread ever after. Ahu…ahu… (^o^)?

                Smoke Man the genie was found by a beggar named Alyddin and made his life a happy miserable life ever after.


Prince Cybric: (sweating) Godfather, how long are we gonna cross this desert?

Godfather: (wearing a geeky oversize round eyeglass, doctor’s robe, and holding a giant calculator) Base on my calculation…YOU had forty-eight hours and fifteen minutes to reach a nearby cosmopolitan.


Narrator: And the fairy who obtained a little bit energy…used his power to vanished, leaving an echo to the raging prince…

Godfather: Remember the Prince Charming Rule #4 “Stay steadfast to what you are aiming!”

Prince Cybric: Arrgh…I know that…but I did not aim to die…noh!!!

Narrator: Haaaay…And so the prince suffered another unhappy ending for the day…yes for the day…because there will be another day…and another day…and another day…and ano-

Prince Cybric: STOOOOP! I don’t want another mischief agaaaaaaaaaaain!!!

Narrator: Yeah, as if you can defy your fate…

Prince Cybric:



Hullooooooooooooooo…hope somebody did like it… any feedbacks good or bad are deeply appreciated…


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