There was No Reason to Write This

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Hello, fellow creatures of the internet. 

It's your friendly asocial neighbourhood person. 

Uh- I have nothing extra to say for now except that this book will be quite an emotional ride. 

Here's some virtual popcorn to keep you company though. 



PS: Thank you for all the messages of concern due to my unusual silence. I really do appreciate it. And thank you for your patience for all my work that I still haven't gotten to finish. Once again, I will never abandon any of my projects and will get to it. It's always on my mind and I hope it'll be soon that I'm struck my motivation. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 

For anyone who is curious as to why I suddenly fell quiet, a lot of things happened. I lost someone and even though this is not the first time that I have experienced this, it just hit me worse than even I thought I would. And I didn't expect to be affected so much, but maybe it was just me trying to be extremely shallow while feeling so deeply that I failed to recognize the strength of my own emotions. 

I will be back to responding to all messages and comments like I usually would. Writing has always been my sweet escape and shall always remain so. Thank you for everything. I am truly grateful. 

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