The Puppet Master's Game

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"I don't know what you mean!" the other laughed in his face.

"You know DAMN well what I'm talking about! Give him back, you sick fuck!"

Anti nonchalantly picked at his nails from inside the TV, "What's the password?"

Chase seethed at him, "The password is FUCK-OFF! Now stop fucking around, you bastard!"

"Oh, I don't think I will. He's so fun to play with, you see. Maybe next time! Meanwhile, you better hold on to the others while you can, Brody. You never know how much time you'll have left with them!" he laughed maniacally, "See you boys later!"

With that, Anti vanished into the white noise, leaving Chase to punch the TV, busting it.

"You owe me a new TV" Henrik muttered.

Jackie sighed from behind Chase, "You know that won't help anything, Chase"

"I don't care!" the father shouted, "I'm fucking sick and tired of his stupid games! Because of him, Marvin is GONE!"

"I know" Jackie looked away solemnly, "I know . .. but there's nothing we can do about it at the moment until we have a lead on where he is. Breaking shit and getting angry won't help. In fact, it will only feed his ego knowing how much this is bothering you"

'Marvin wouldn't want us to lose our cool' Jameson signed, 'We can figure this out together'

Chase shook in his rage, "Damn bastard. . . . It's all his fault Stacey left me"

Henrik rolled his eyes, "You know full vell zhat was your own doing, Chase. Perhaps we could try talking to Dark again? Or one of zhe other Iplier egos?"

"No can do" Jackie shook his head, "I think Darkiplier is covering for Anti. Or at least, I THINK so. The last time I tried speaking to him, he slammed a door in my face and called me a Spider-man knock-off . . .. . Only Anti had ever called me that before"

"Great" Chase huffed, "So we have NO help whatsoever? What about Sean? Maybe he could do something?-"

"Not a good idea" Henrik supplied, "Anti made him forget we existed, remember? Showing up on his doorstep vill only cause him to panic and possibly go into shock"

Chase kicked the couch that Jackie was sitting on, "FUCK!"

"Hey, hey!" Jackie groaned, "Calm down. Deep breathes, man"

Chase shook and took a breathe only to shake his head and roll his eyes, "I'm going home . . .. I can't fucking stand this . . . . just sitting here like this"

'I'm sure everything will work out' Jameson tried to seem optimistic but even he looked beat.

Sharply turning away, he stomped towards the door.

"Be careful!" Jackie called out for him, "Don't do anything stupid! We'll find them, don't worry!"

"Whatever" Chase mumbled to himself, slamming Henrik's door behind him and marching to his car.

When he slammed his car door shut, he shouted and screamed inside of it, hitting and punching the steering wheel and floor, "FUCKING GOD-DAMMIT! MOTHER-FUCKER!"

When he finally ran out of steam, Chase groaned and turned on the car. He was just so sick and tired of this.

They were always either fighting, running away or hiding from Anti but nothing ever worked.

And now he had Marvin and there was nothing any of them could do to get him back. Unless they begged but the ones who were left weren't really the begging kind of egos.

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