32: Endure The Risk

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"So? What happened?" Keir asked as soon as they came back to her house.

"He gave me an offer." She sighed.

"You mean a deal." He shook his head in dismay.

Selene gave him a pout hoping it would calm him which didn't work.

"And the offer is?"

"He wants-" Her words were cut off by the knock on her front door.

Keir scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "A visitor at this time of the night?"

Selene didn't answer him and wordlessly opened the door.

A chirpy as usual Shana walked in and gave a bright smile on Keir's way.

"Why is she here?" He didn't wait to ask till Shana placed her second foot in.

"Keir!" Selene glared at his rudeness.

"What?" Keir asked with an innocent look.

"It's fine, Killer. I've been keeping her secrets from like ever." Shana laughed at her own supposed joke.

Selene glowered, "Don't. Call him that!"

Shana smiled and gave a military nod, "Okay!"

Selene looked back and forth between the other two and let out an exasperated sigh.

"This is gonna take a while."


"Brent threatened to tell everything to Haden if you don't let him help you?" Shana asked in confusion.

"Pretty much." Selene nodded.

Keir came behind her and handed her a coffee mug that he made to calm her nerves.

"Aww! You made coffee for her?" Shana looked at Keir with her large impressed dovey eyes.

Keir rolled his eyes discreetly and sat on the chair in the living room.

"I heard you make good coffee. Let me taste." Shana grabbed the mug from Selene and sipped.

Keir opened his mouth to stop her but reflexively placed his closed fist on his mouth to control himself.

That coffee was specifically made for Selene. He didn't want her friend to have it. If it is something in his hands, he didn't want her friend in this room either.

She was very chirpy for his liking and her eyes that trailed his every move made him very uncomfortable.

He rarely enjoys a living human presence except for his family. Now Selene is added to that List, and he loves the solitude he shares with her, which her friend seems to break.

"It is exotic!" Shana exclaimed while sipping the coffee.

Selene choked on her saliva and coughed at the tone Shana used. Shana doesn't usually behave like that, she isn't sure what's wrong with her.

Keir placed a polite smile and thanked her.

"And... To the topic, I think I'm gonna take his offer." Selene tried to focus them back on the subject.

"Why not just kill Brent?" Keir suggested.

Selene gave him an unbelievable look but soon Shana joined him.

"That'd be aweso-!" But cut herself off when Selene glared at her, "-I mean it'll be a total waste if we kill him."

"The only waste I can see is him being alive on earth." Keir snorted.

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