25: The New Nephilim

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I can tell she's trouble from the moment she walks into the cafeteria. Not because she looks rebellious or like an anarchist. The exact opposite, in fact. She looks impeccable, like the typical "It" girl. Like the girl in those movies the narration always claims everyone wants to be. I take one look at her and I do. I do want to be her. That is how I know I'm in trouble. I'm going to do whatever this girl wants, because instinctually I want her to like me.

She immediately takes control, the way girls like her do. "Hello everyone. My name is Briti. My friends call me Brit. My mom is Indian; my dad is from Britain. If you hear a bit of an accent that's what it is." She winks knowingly at Thomas. She has no doubt every heterosexual man desires her.

He flushes, chuckling nervously. This breaks the spell she's casts on me enough for me to glare at Thomas. He is dating my friend after all. How dare he be charmed by this gorgeous woman when he has Kali.

Sasuke matches her energy because let's face it if he weren't a male, he would be an "It" girl as well.

"Hi. I'm Sasuke. I know exactly what you mean. My mom's Filipino accent had me explaining myself most of my adolescence." They shake hands, sharing a laugh at their own expenses with matching perfect smiles on their faces.

"Another Asian white mix. Maybe whatever is wrong with us is hereditary." She humors.

Sasuke chortles, running his hand through his hair like he does when he's nervous.

She runs her hand through her hair too but somehow, she makes the act seem sensual and glamorous. How does someone like her wind up in a place like this? Girls like her are usually wealthy with influential families. Her nails are perfectly manicured, her hair is thick, shiny and nearly to her bottom, long. I'm not sure if she's wearing makeup, but her skin looks flawless and her eye lashes are thick and dark, framing her eyes that shine like silver glitter. Her eyebrows are gorgeous. Mine have gotten crazy bushy over the weeks, along with the rest of me if you know what I mean, but even when I had my tweezers, they never looked that good.

She struts over to the table until she is standing over me at the seat Sasuke abandoned. "You're Sara? My roommate, right?" She inquires, beaming down at me.

I stare at her dumbly for a moment.

"Yes." I reply, dribbling a little from my gaping mouth and uneaten lunch sitting in front of me. I wipe it away quickly, feeling the burn of embarrassment creeping up my neck and stinging my eyes. I fight my impulse to run and stick out my hand. She doesn't acknowledge my hand outstretched to her feebly.

"I noticed your bed was by the door. You wouldn't mind if we switched, right? The vent is above the other and the air just dries out my skin." She requests, sitting beside me, ignoring Sasuke's tray there.

"I don't mind." I respond, lowering my hand.

"I bet you're wondering how I knew you're my roommate." She says.

Sasuke sits across from us, sliding his tray over to himself. "Are you going to have lunch?" He asks.

"Oh, no thank you. I ate before I came. I would love a water though." She responds, barely sparing him a glance.

"Oh yeah." I concur, trying to swallow the bite of sandwich I just put in my mouth.

"I have a sixth sense about things like that. Like, every morning I know what the maid has made for breakfast before I even come down the stairs and my room is on the third floor in the opposite wing." She explains. "I think I may be a witch." She whispers.

I can't help but laugh, inadvertently snorting when I do.

She glares at me, her eye glinting.

Nephilim: Children of AngelsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon