Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Whispers of the Wind

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I didn't feel much better in the morning, but that wouldn't stop me. Nothing would. I lied to the doctor about my condition and told him that I felt better than ever. In truth, my bones were still aching and I had a splitting headache. Fortunately, I was a good actor. I had a quick breakfast and informed the Sentrian knights that had been waiting to escort me back home that they should return without me. I promised to be there shortly once I found Eldwyn and it disheartened them.

"But High Prince Darren," said one of the knights, "you should be basking in your victory. You've won us this war and have brought upon the prophecized new age. I'd never seen anything like it. This is your time."

"It was not I alone," I told him. "I did this with my friends, and I did this with Eldwyn. I cannot take this honor alone and I will not return until he is with me. Make that clear to the High King and Queen."

They looked at each other as if I was a fool for still believing he was alive. but it was they who were wrong.

I went outside of Hornswallow Castle and found my winged horses and carriage tied to a post near the stables. I stood between them and petted their faces. They were happy to see me and I to see them.

"Please, my dear friends, I need your help to find Eldwyn. He is somewhere in these lands, I know he is. I ask that you fly true and return my love to me."

I got in the driver's seat and commanded my feathered friends to fly south. I kept an image of him in my mind and let my heart lead the way, hoping he would hear my silent call and send a message back. For as surprising as his becoming the Silver Griffin was, it also felt perfectly placed. He was the most magical boy I had ever met and within him was the most mysterious of all the beasts of legend. That's always been who he was. That's what drew me to him.

I searched through the morning and into the day without sign nor sight of him. I looked across the lands of the Summerlands and Stargon. The marshes, the forests, the woods, the swamps, the hills, the bridges, the valleys, and on and on. He...wasn't there. I needed to stop thinking with my mind and use my heart. I needed to listen to the wind. I remembered when I first met him when I was traveling through the Old Wood and slipped into the Winding Forest, a world of magic and possibility, and I was called to it. I flew westward towards the southern part of the Winding Forest. It had regained its' majesty with trees lush with green leaves and lively animals living their lives in harmony. The dark curse of the dark wizards had been lifted and goodness had been restored.

I had the winged horses fly down low to get a better view of the forest floor. I started to hear the hauntingly bright sounds of music, a familiar tune that felt timeless, and the carriage landed on the trail below to ride like normal. This time, I didn't question my movements. I followed the sound for it was loud and clear. I was outside of my body, allowing the fates to take me where I was supposed to go, down this road and down that, across a bridge, past a glen, and then I found it, that monstrous cave. The one I had imagined a dragon dwelling in, only this time it didn't seem so frightening, like a monster you dreamt up as a kid. In front of the cave was him, Eldwyn, back in his relic form. He was facing the cave unmovingly. Thank the gods.

I stopped and jumped to the ground, running to him with my arms outstretched.

"Eldwyn!" I yelled out to him, but he didn't turn around. "Eldwyn, it's me! Your knight!" Tears streamed down my face and I clenched my teeth. My heart was beating rapidly and I was breathless, pushing past the memories of the past and holding onto this moment. I stopped a few paces away from him. "Eldwyn?"

He slowly turned around with an empty expression. Was he well?

"O!" he said with a bright smile. I ran to him again, lifting him up in the air and spinning him around and kissing him.

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