Unravelling the Web

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This is the Giselle variation Jaclyn is practicing in this first scene. I've decided I just love all variations I don't have a favorite 😁


May 10, 2001

Giselle rehearsals were intense. Monsieur Michael had so much energy, despite it being nine at night, and the corps was compromised of first years who clung to the corners of the studios in fear. They were long, full of raised voices, and constant whining from the still baby faced teenagers.

"We're twenty minutes over. My feet hurt," one girl winced quietly to her friend. It took all of Jaclyn's self control to not turn around and snap that everyones feet hurt, that they weren't special. If it weren't for Natania and Leo, her friends dance partner, performing their peasant pas de duex she probably would have.

Usually Jaclyn wasn't so on edge, but they were right at the end of rehearsals, and almost every one went into the late night. Not to mention anytime not dedicated to rehearsals was used to focus on keeping up technique for their upcoming final exam. Plus, her finals in history, english, mathematics, and foreign language.

Everyone was aching, everyone was losing steam, and as much as they all loved dance everyone wanted to be done.

"Pull up on those hops en pointe Natania," Monsieur called, madly gesturing with his hands. Through half lidded eyes Jaclyn tried to understand how Natania constantly had so much energy. That was one of the reasons Leo was such an amazing partner for Natania, he mellowed her out so she wasn't too much at one time.

Most nights they had to choose between more practice or studying, sleep always getting forgotten, so it shouldn't have been possible. For Jaclyn any free time was spent talking with William.

Thomas made his way over to his partner hefting his leg up on to the empty bar. "Just a warning, Emma's out for blood. Yours specifically." It was then that Jaclyn scanned the room noticing the girl missing from the select few girls who were selected to stand in front of the corps, but behind Nat and Leo.

"Where is she?"

"Ms. Lewis pulled her into her office before rehearsal started. I'm surprised you haven't noticed the lack of her glare." He remarked, straightening his black sweatband. Jaclyn just shrugged taking the chance to roll through her feet to keep her ankles from going cold in her pointe shoes. "I'm honestly done letting her bother me. I have bigger things to focus on than her juvenile attitude."

"Good for you-"

"Okay everyone, from the beginning." A synchronized groan was on the tip of all their tongues, but they all knew better. Instead the corps found their places in line going through the opening number, the one where all the villagers are celebrating the Wine Festival and crown Giselle the queen. Thomas took Jaclyn by the arm leading her to their opening positions off stage.

This part always drug on for Jaclyn, despite being no more than five minutes, it was more of the build up of waiting.

When it came to the part of asking her fictional mother if she could dance Monsieur jumped in, and Jaclyn's forced smile suddenly became more real as he over played the part.

She then started dancing washing away her fatigue to become Giselle. She wasn't Jaclyn Webber for the twenty minutes that this excerpt lasted. It was almost magical how quickly she could become someone else.

The infamous Giselle solo was difficult, but the hardest part were the hops en pointe across the floor.

"Smile, Jaclyn!"

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