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Who had a worrisome expression plastered on her face. You couldn't blame her, though. You had been engrossed to this newly developed game that you were beginning to ignore your health, if it weren't for your mother who will force you down to eat.

"Y/n! Don't play with your phone while you're crossing down the streets!" Your beloved mother shouted when you went outside the house while holding your phone.

"Yeah! I'll be going now!" You shouted back, waving your hands while you are walking down the neighbourhood.

"Stay safe..." Your mother mumbled softly, but enough for you to hear. You glanced back and wave at your mother once again. Despite the sudden feeling of danger creeping up behind you, you just pushed it at the back of your mind.

You started walking, holding your phone as you play the new game made by the Shokugeki's fandom. This could seriously cause you trouble, but your spidey senses will save you, right?

"Ugh, this Y/N Kinoshita girl. She's too sassy! Does she even have a heart? I can't believe she only used - !" You mumbled to yourself as you crossed the street, not bothering to look left or right. You were too focused on the game. It was an important level of the game afterall.

"And it doesn't help that we have the same name." You muttured under your breath as you clicked your tongue.

The focused you had on the game was no joke, because you couldn't even hear the loud horn of a certain vehicle.

A truck appeared out of nowhere, you didn't have any time to react. This action caused you to get ran over by a truck. It made a big impact and you flew all the way to across the other street, your blood seeping all over the road. You can't feel anything except for the warm blood that dripped from almost every side of your body. The phone you held was still surprisingly alive and without a scratch, the theme song of the game still playing.

"Ah shit. That was a lame death." You thought to yourself and chuckled faintly despite your already dead vocal cords.

"Should have never overestimated my spidey senses."

"I didn't even get to finish that game."

"Ah, mom... I should've listened to her." People started gathering around you as you fought the urge of your eyes shutting.

"I hope I will have my own harem in my next life." You joked.


Reversed Harem acquired.

"What the hell is that voice?" You were already near death but you still managed to complain about the noise. So typical of you.

"Oy! Call an ambulance quickly!"


"Hmm.. If Isekai is true, I want to be reincarnated in Shokugeki No Souma."


Get reincarnated in
Shokugeki No Souma.

"Young lady, please don't close your eyes. Stay with us!"

Memories started flashing infront of your eyes, from your very first memory to your last. A tear dropped from your eye.

"M-mom, I-I love y-you." The moment the words escaped from your lips, the darkness that was growing in the corner of your eyes had already won and took over.


Deleting past memories.. 10%

Deleting past memories.. 24%

Deleting past memories.. 35%

Deleting past memories.. 50%

Deleting past memories.. 67%

Deleting past memories.. 77%

Deleting past memories.. 89%

Deleting past memories.. 97%

Deleting past memories.. 100%

Deleting past memories successfully.

. . . .

. . . .


Something went wrong.

Do you want to keep your past memories?

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