➤ one . . .

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A groan escaped your lips as you sat up. After a few seconds of staring at the one hole in the wall that had posters of different bands you liked, you decided to stand up and go to the bathroom so you can get ready for today.

"Dang it. Why did I even agree on being an examiner for today's entrance exam?" You muttered under your breath. As you were about to step into the comfort room, a sudden throbbing pain hit your head.


"Mama, mama! Look, look!"


"Eh? You should try playing it!"


"Hey! Do you know how to unlock Yukihira's route? It's too damn hard! His mind is full of cooking and beating others! What the hell am I going to use that information on?"

"I had a hard time playing that part too!"


"Y/n! Don't play while you're crossing down the streets!"

Heh? It's mo- wait, why do
I know her?

"Hai hai! Ittekimasu!"

That.. She looks like me..?

Who is she?

Is this my past life?

Should I follow her?


Your eyes grew wide, pupils dilated as your memories from your previous life started flashing one by one. You quickly went inside the bathroom before you completely lose your balance because of the aching feeling of your head, gripping on the sink when you almost slipped before seeing yourself in the mirror and cupping your face.

"W-what happened?"

"Did I live?" Obviously. But just... In a different world.

"I remember being ran over by a truck.." You mumbled, tracing the mirror placed in front of you.

"And.. There is this voice. Who is she?" Question after question begun to flood in.

"Is this some sort of dream?" You talked to yourself, still admiring your face at the mirror.

"This.. This face looks so familliar." The features on your face, it all felt familiar.



memories remain ── shokugeki no soma .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now