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"Let's get this debrief done with. To be honest, this is our team's most notable mission and that Ian Doyle's arrest could never be possible without any of you."

"Prentiss, you have done such an amazing role of gaining his trust, and I do understand it is a huge risk putting yourself out there, well done, do let us know what we can do for you."

"McAllister, you have also risked being captured by meeting up with Prentiss to acquire information concerning Doyle's organization's movements from the inside, great job there."

"Mosely and Wolff, thank you for being the 'supplier'. I now announced that JTF-12 is officially disbanded."

"Well, Clyde, what's with all the formality?" Sean McAllister asked.

The 5 of them laughed, and everyone could agree that it was such a huge relief that all of them are back, safe and sound. It was the most challenging 14 months when the CIA and Western agencies assembled them, contributed their best and brightest agents to profile a terrorist of Irish descent, Ian Doyle, and his organization.

Their team leader, Clyde Easter works for British S.I.S.. Emily Prentiss, who played the prominent role in this infiltration, works for the CIA. Sean McAllister, who plays the role of the weekly postman works for Interpol. Tsia Mosely works for France's DCRI, and Jeremy Wolff works for Germany's BND.

Emily Prentiss was sent undercover as Lauren Reynolds because she was Doyle's type and she successfully infiltrated the organization, eventually instigating Doyle's arrest.

Doyle was sent to a North Korean prison, though most of the team was informed the prison was located in Russia. But that left a traumatic experience that she wouldn't want to repeat anytime soon.

"Clyde, if you would excuse me, I have somewhere to go," Prentiss said.

"Our team is officially disbanded, you are free to go anywhere you want to," Clyde answered.

"Thank you," Prentiss replied.

Prentiss walked out of the meeting room, and headed straight to her car, parked in the basement. How nice it felt to be able to touch the steering wheel after the whole 14 months of not being able to drive, let alone be the authentic Emily Prentiss. This is the only time she was grateful to be raised as an Ambassador's daughter that she would have to fake through all the events her Mother forced her to go.

She drove out and headed straight to a place where she felt at peace. She parked her car by the roadside and entered the building of the Church of All Saints, not far away from the headquarters. This is a small cathedral, and it's quite empty during the weekdays, especially during working hours.

She pulled her car to a stop by the roadside, the benefit of driving an Interpol car, where you can park anywhere. It's autumn, and it's getting a little chilly, so she took her coat and climbed down her car, locking the doors after. She took a deep breath and walked right into the church building.

Father Varg is at the altar, lighting up candles. He looked up and smiled at Prentiss. Knowing that she needs her space, Father Varg continued with what he was doing.

Prentiss found a seat right at the back of the cathedral, she sat at the very end of the seat, closest to the wall. From her seat, she can observe the whole cathedral; at the same time, she is aware of anyone who walks through the door, a habit of being a federal agent.

Prentiss bows her head and closes her eyes. The past 14 months have brought significant emotional and physical turmoil in her. Gaining Ian's trust was easy but living with Ian is the toughest. The only thing that gets her through every day was Declan.

She swore to herself a secret oath that she will protect this little boy at all costs, especially protection from his father's businesses. She is tired but at the same time elevated because the assignment finally came to an end.

She whispered, "Dear God, I am tired, and I'm planning to resign from the CIA. This has been my 3rd consecutive undercover assignment, and I'm afraid anymore undercover I'll lose my real self. Heck, I might even forget I'm Emily Prentiss."

"It's been two days since I'm home, but the nightmares keep coming back to haunt me. I nearly fell in love with Ian, but thankfully the arrest was soon."

"I've shoved Lauren Reynolds into a box far away in my head, and keep reminding myself that she's dead. I need some time to take a breather. I don't want to fall into the deep dark place I was when I was 15. Suicide seems tempting and that I'm losing hope. Give me a sign that I should not lose hope..."

A gust of wind flew in, and Prentiss knew someone entered the cathedral. She tried to keep her eyes closed, focus on her breathing, tried to rationalize that the person walking in was not going to kill her, that she's safe here. Suddenly, she felt a tugging, asking her to open her eyes.

The intruder that caused the wind was sitting in the middle, his head was bowed, beside him was a lady, presumably his wife, but it doesn't seem so as there is a considerable gap in between them. Prentiss went into her profiling mood.

The brown messy hair man hunched his shoulder, his head between his hands. He seemed troubled, frustrated or angry. The blonde short hair lady beside him has both her hands crossed, staring straight ahead, she looks like she is trying to calm herself.

Something about both of them intrigued Prentiss. They both looked like they hate each other, but both their body language shows trust. It was only then she realized both the man and the lady were wearing FBI jackets.

Wow, a pair of federal agents. Emily thought.

Suddenly, a thought struck her, 'give me a sign that I should not lose hope'. Is this her sign?

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