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Her travel arrangements from Reston to Kansas were all arranged. There is an FBI jet waiting for her at the private airport nearby. They even send two movers, John and Jay, to help her bring her things.

Prentiss almost laughed at the look on John and Jay's face when she told them she only had 5 boxes to carry. Well, she always travels light and doesn't even buy anything anyways because no attachments are needed when you are an Ambassador's daughter.

While chatting with John and Jay on the jet, she realized that they were ex-agents who decided that running around helping mundane tasks in the FBI is more interesting. They fill her up with a bunch of rumors and Prentiss is so grateful that she is able to have some inside information before she lands.

Apparently, the team she is joining is the best in Kansas, but there are messy team politics because alpha males being alpha males can't stand their urges with their so-called hot Unit Chief. Many won't even stay in the team for more than a year.

The only constant in the unit is the hot Unit Chief who was rumored to be sleeping with the Section Chief. The boys were glad to have Prentiss, a female, to balance out the team.

When they touched down, they helped Prentiss to bring her things into her residence. It's a place like a dorm, but everyone has their own unit. It's too small for Prentiss, but it has everything necessary. Prentiss already has a bad feeling that she won't stay long anyway.

Tomorrow she will have to report to the team, so she decides to just stay in after unpacking her things. Suddenly, her phone rings. She looked and saw it's Clyde. She decides she's not in a mood to talk, so she left it.

She went to the bathroom, and when she came out, her phone was still ringing. She was so frustrated, so she picked up without looking at the caller.

"WHAT? HAVEN'T I TOLD YOU I AM NOT GOING BACK TO INTERPOL?" Prentiss shouted into the phone.

"EMILY PRENTISS. Is this a way to talk to your mother? Where are your manners? And what do you mean that you are not going back to Interpol?"

"Mo...Mother? Sorry, I thought you were my ex-colleague. I resigned from the CIA, Mother."

"That's great, Emily! I always hate the idea of you chasing down killers. Finally regretted your decision?"

"No, Ambassador Prentiss. I'm with the FBI now. Stop dreaming that I will follow your footsteps. If you have nothing else to say, I'm going to end this call politely."

"FBI? First Interpol, then CIA and now FBI? Wow, you have joined 3 agencies in 10 years?"

"Since when do you care, Mother? It's my life, and I will live it in whatever ways I want it."

"Suit yourself. What are you working in the FBI?"

"I'm an SSA... for the BAU."

"Emily, just be safe, okay?"

"Why do you suddenly care? Trying to convince me to join you for some events? Or you found a politician's son that you want me to date?"

"Can't I call my daughter because I missed her?"

"Mother! Knowing you after all these years, do you think I believe you? Are you sick?"

"Emily, no! I'm as healthy as I can be and please stop speculating. Where are you placed?"

"In Kansas. Please don't visit me. I swear to God if you even step..."

"FBI Midwest? I've heard a lot about it. Nothing good. The best BAU team is in Quantico. Would you like a transfer? I can get you one. I can pull some strings."

"No, Mother, thank you. I would like to try out the BAU here first. And... I will apply for the transfer on my own if I ever need it. I don't need your help."

"Okay, then. Have fun. Just want to tell you that Nana Elise's 80th birthday is coming up. She will love it if you are there for her party."

"Thanks for the reminder, Mother. I will try my best to be there. Bye."

"Bye, Emily."

Nana Elise is Emily Prentiss's grandmother. She is a remarkable old lady who is a reflection of Elizabeth Prentiss but a good version. She was an Ambassador, but now she retired and has been helping in a few charities.

Emily loved her grandmother, but she hates the parties she threw because she will be questioned as to why she is still single in her mid-30s and that her biological clock is ticking. Then there will be introductions of many jerks for her which she has to deal with.

She would rather celebrate her grandmother's birthday by sending gifts and visiting her personally. She decides it's a plan for another day, and she needs to get ready for her first day of work tomorrow.

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