Prayer answered?

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As an Ambassador, Elizabeth Prentiss knows a lot of people. She also knows that her daughter wouldn't be happy in FBI Midwest. She bet that the hard-headed Emily will stay on just to prove her wrong.

Although she disagrees strongly with Emily's career choice, as a mother, she can't stand to see her daughter suffer. It might also be the fact that Emily was her only child.

Elizabeth had worked with FBI Midwest once upon a time when they assist for a case. Well, it's once upon a time because, after that one time, she doesn't bother to ask for their assistance anymore.

First, she requests for the best team. The Director sends her the so-called best team where the Unit Chief and the Section Chief are Emily's current Unit Chief and Section Chief. Elizabeth thought her ears are going to burst from the verbal flirting while they were profiling. She persists because she was curious to see how are they the best team.

Her annoyance with the team reached its peak when the Section Chief told her that their team would standoff for two days and there will be another team replacing them because, as the best team, they are entitled to their weekends and rest.

Elizabeth complained to the Director of FBI at Midwest, but the Director can't do anything because of politics. Luckily, the case was solved because all the lucky stars aligned and FBI Quantico team steps in.

Which brought her to the situation now. She wants Emily to get the best experience out of FBI, and she knows that FBI Quantico is the best choice. However, she needs to make Emily willingly move to Quantico without her pressuring.

She had been thinking of strategies for 7 months plus but came up to nothing. Elizabeth knows that Emily is smart, and Emily will definitely find out that she is behind her transfer.

The opportunity came when Elizabeth attended a birthday party of a politician, Mr Cash Hilton. Mr Hilton's girlfriend, Erin Strauss, is the Section Chief of the BAU in Quantico. Elizabeth and Erin became fast friends from the birthday party.

Both of them were clinking glasses after glasses till they are on the first name basis. Elizabeth took the opportunity to tell Erin about Emily.

"Hey Erin, do you have children?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, I do. 3 of them. What about you?" Erin asked.

"Wow! That's a lot. I only have one precious daughter. Her name is Emily, and she currently works for the FBI in Midwest."

"FBI in Midwest? Is she an SSA?" Erin quickly sober up and ask Elizabeth.

"Yes, she is. She's with the 'best' team there." Elizabeth told Erin while using her hands to air quote the 'best'.

"Yes! I am aware of their reputation. It's unfortunate that Emily ends up with them. Will she be interested in joining the team in Quantico instead? I can put her in the best team." Erin's eyes light up while she asked Elizabeth.

"Personally, I'm not sure what Emily wants. However, she might suspect that I am the reason she got the transfer to Quantico. It's something I've been trying to avoid." Elizabeth replied, honestly.

"Fear not, Elizabeth. I can call up some contacts to make it looked like it's a natural process. If you can excuse me, I can do it now."

"It's okay, Erin. Let's not spoil the fun of this party, shall we?"

"You're right. Let's party! Emily's transfer will be planned first thing tomorrow."

"Thank you so much, Erin! You're my life savior!"

"Nonsense, Elizabeth. It's beneficial to me to have Emily in Quantico too."

"Yes, I'm sure Emily can be a very good asset."

"Oh, yes. She will. She definitely will." Erin smiled, trying to control her excitement.

"Let's cheer to Emily being in Quantico!" Erin happily clinks her glass with Elizabeth.

"Cheers, Erin! However, I need to warn you that Emily might not do what you expect her to do for you." Elizabeth warned.

"No worries! It's still worth a shot! Hey, one more shot here, please!"

Mission accomplished.

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