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Prentiss unlocked her phone. She squinted her eyes but decided to turn on her bedroom light.

The first email was from the CIA. Nervously, she opens it and reads it.

Dear Ms Prentiss,

We have received your resignation letter. I wished to personally inform you that we have accepted your resignation and wish you luck in your future endeavors. Although it is a significant loss to the CIA to no longer have an excellent officer like you, we hope that you are able to achieve success elsewhere. I will personally ensure that you receive all of your belongings as well as your last paycheck. Please be informed that you may stay in the current house until you find a new place to call home.

If there is anything else that you need from me, you know how to reach me. Please do not hesitate to contact either myself or the team if you have any questions or concerns. I am willing to provide you with an excellent reference if needed and look forward to hearing from you again.

We hope that your journey with the CIA has been productive and satisfying for you as well as providing excellent work experience. Our whole team appreciates the work you have done and would be pleased to welcome you back to CIA one day if you ever wish to return. Thank you for your correspondence.

Yours sincerely,

Jocelyn Campbell

Human Resource Manager

'Okay, it's final. There's no going back.' Prentiss thought.

The next email was from her Mother, Ambassador Prentiss, inviting her to attend some charity dinner that Prentiss couldn't care less about.

Prentiss decided to get up to go for a jog. She has all the time in the world, which is a privilege that she misses and hates at the same time.

When she came home from her jog, it was 10 am. She then showered and decided to do some groceries shopping.

After she stocked up her house for a week's groceries, she decided to stay home and read.

Prentiss is an introvert. While growing up with her Mother, who shapes her to be Miss Perfect, she doesn't open up to anyone nor have any friends she can really trust. She hates going out with anyone in general or in any relationship that will cause Mother to nag her or remind her that she is an Ambassador's daughter.

All she has done is go to the bar and hook up one night stands, to blow off some steam. Her last relationship with Ian Doyle was not even real, but it was the longest she ever had. She prefers that books keep her company as the books speak to her and will never judge or betray her. She doesn't need to worry about getting her heart broken or tolerating whatever habits the man has.

She then realized she was smiling but picking her nails. God! She is nervous because she left Doyle's estate a week ago and she needs to know how Declan is doing. Whether he knows that his father is in prison because of her?

She also realized that it's not safe for Declan and Louise to continue to stay at their house. So, she called Clyde.

"Hey, Clyde."

"Hey, Emily."

"Clyde. I know the mission is over but... can I request something?"

"Depends. What is it?"

"Can I have an agent to be in charge of Doyle's son, Declan and his nanny, Louise? I want them to be moved to a safe house, if possible." Emily requested.

"Sure. You have it. Anything else?"

"No, that's all. Thanks, Clyde."

"You're welcome, Emily. Bye."


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