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She was engrossed in her book and suddenly her phone rings. She picked up and answered the phone, not looking at who the caller is.


"Hey, Emily, you quit? Why? You are the best we ever had! I'm so going to miss you. Please know that Interpol will always welcome you back with open arms. Interested in joining us again?"

"Hey Clyde, you found out this after two years? No, I didn't quit, I resigned. I don't think I'm coming back to Interpol anytime soon. There's a reason why I quit Interpol 5 years ago to join the CIA. And before you ask, I don't have a plan."

"WHAT! Knowing you for 6 years, oh wait, is it 7 years... you always have a plan. Where's the 3 steps ahead, Emily that I met when you first joined Interpol?" Clyde asked.

Prentiss laughed and answered, "Honestly, I have no plan this time."

"You're kidding, right? Okay. I know you can just sit and be pretty because of your Mother, but the Emily Prentiss I know is someone who can't just sit and be pretty while the bad guys are out there." Clyde pushed on.

"Have fun poking me around, Clyde. It's up to you whether to believe it or not. It's my decision to resign, so stop convincing me to go back. If you have nothing else to ask me, I have to go back to my Serial Killers by David Rossi" Prentiss answered.

"Well, look at the nerd I know! How many times have you been reading the book? Please, for god sake, have a life! But whatever, call me anytime! Bye, gonna miss you." Clyde answered.

"A good book is worth reading a thousand times, Clyde! This is my life, and I love it. You are going to regret telling me that I'm able to call you anytime. Bye Clyde, till next time" Prentiss replied and hung up the call.

However, Clyde reminded her of her talk with Louise a week ago. She sighs and decides to open her laptop, looking for other options for work, and suddenly, she sees the tab she saved two years ago.

"Being in BAU is way better than being undercover anyways, though I love the thrill of being undercover, it gets boring. I need a normal life" Prentiss thought.

She snickered at her thoughts. Being in BAU is normal? Well, if compared to being different undercovers with different identities, not knowing when the target will find out that you are fake and end your life, chasing serial killers are normal.

She downloaded the application forms, filled in her details and whatever they needed and sent in her application.

Her day went through as usual. She picked Declan from school, sent him for football practice, and picked him up after. Finally, the day came to an end, and she climbed into her bed after putting Declan to bed. She was going to turn off her bedside lamp when she saw her phone lights up, indicating there are notifications.

She saw an email from the FBI. Wow, that's fast. Nervously, she opens it and reads it.

Dear Ms Emily Prentiss,

We are impressed with your previous experiences and really appreciate that we can have someone with your skill sets. We have also reached out to Interpol and the CIA, and there has been nothing but praise. Not to mention that your education background is very impressive.

Therefore, we would like to offer you to be a Supervisory Special Agent, effective immediately. You will be provided with a temporary residence near our headquarters until you can find a place to stay. You will also be reporting to your Unit Chief, Ms Jose Rose, on Monday, 27-03-2006 at 9 am.

We will further discuss your salary, benefits and bonus on Monday. Please meet Mr Rich Weal, your Section Chief, before you report to your team.

We would like to have your response as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us with this email, should you have any further questions.

We are looking forward to having you on our team.

Best regards,

FBI Midwest

Prentiss is on cloud nine. She couldn't believe that she got the offer to be with the FBI so fast. She hopes it's because they really needed someone on their team and not because she's Prentiss.

Shaking the thought aside, she replied to the email to state her acceptance of the job.

Feeling blood pumping through her veins because she is so excited, she knows she wouldn't be able to sleep. So, she got up and started to pack her things.

Louise was happy that she finally found a job. Declan was sad, but he's proud that Emily is going out there to save lives again. Emily promised that she would try to visit him frequently.

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