Prayer answered

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It's been almost 8 months Prentiss is with BAU Midwest, and she can't stand it anymore. She has to room with one of the jerks every time they have an outstation case because the Unit Chief will definitely be with the Section Chief. Although Prentiss couldn't be happier to work with the couple than the 3 jerks who think they are smarter than anyone else in the room.

She really was contemplating a transfer to BAU in Quantico as she knows her Mother knows best, it's just that transferring to Quantico will admit that she is wrong. Instead, she chose to pray for God's direction and ask God to send her a sign as he did two years ago. Or did she see the wrong sign?

Her phone buzzed, and she saw an email notification from the FBI. It's a general email notifying that there is a vacancy at BAU, Quantico. She couldn't believe it. Just an hour ago, she prayed for God's direction, and now there is this email?

She quickly downloaded the transfer forms and fill them in. She is making sure that she emphasizes that she is willing to leave the FBI Midwest anytime.

It was 6 pm, and all of them had clocked out of work. Prentiss was left alone in the office, trying to finish up her reports. It's also her coping method to distract her from thinking about the transfer forms she put in just now.

Suddenly, her phone rings.


"Hi. Is this Emily Prentiss?"

"Speaking. Who's on the line?"

"This is Section Chief Strauss. Are you Ambassador Prentiss's daughter?"

"Yes I am, ma'am."

"Good. Just what I needed for the team. When can you start?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Start what?"

"In BAU, Quantico. Sorry, I forgot to mention where I am calling from."

"I can start anytime, ma'am."

"Good. I will have your transfer papers drafted, and you will be starting on Wednesday, 15.11.2006. You will be reporting to your Unit Chief, Aaron. Is it too soon for you?"

Why did she pronounce Aaron's name as if she hates him? Prentiss thought.

"No, ma'am. It's perfect."

"Good. You don't have to meet me. There will be a staff at the door to guide you up and to give you your tag. Just straight away join the team and get started."

"Sure, ma'am. Thank you." and the call ended.

Prentiss is elated. Her prayer was answered so fast! Her desperation to transfer had clouded her judgment as she forgot to notice that whoever Strauss was, didn't ask her about her experiences, but ask whether she is Ambassador's daughter.

An hour later, she closed her report, tidied up her desk, put her belongings in her bag and stood up. A secretary rushes in before she is able to leave and passes her a stack of papers.

"Prentiss, these were sent in just now, saying it's urgent."

"Thank you, Joy." Prentiss thanked the secretary as Joy smiled and excused herself.

Prentiss looked down at the papers. It's her transfer forms. It's real.

She sat back down and cleared her desk. She doesn't need to come in tomorrow. Getting up, she walked to the photostat machine to photostat 2 copies of her transfer acceptance forms. She then left the forms at her Unit Chief office and Section Chief office respectively.

She smiled as she walked out of the building.

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