ChildhoodBestfriends with Hollywoods Golden Boypart14

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Chapter 14


My recent uploads have been really inconsistent lately because I’ve had loads of stressful work so got kind of pulled under lol. I am sorry about that but ‘you gotta do what you gotta do right?’, anyway my erratic uploads may continue for a while until I’m finished with work.

I just want to thank every reader for sticking with the stories, and me even though I take forever and a day to re- upload. Hope you enjoy and try and ignore spelling and grammar mistakes lol  smile024


I could feel myself floating towards the beginnings of consciousness, still in that familiar lukewarm abyss that is being half asleep. I was vaguely aware of the fingers of stray morning light that must have been cutting through a gap in my curtains threatening my sleep, and that I seemed to be laying across what felt like an incredibly comfortable soft warm radiator.

I half opened one eye, even the faint light that seeped through my curtains and I immediately shut it again.

Too late. Urghhh

 I had opened my eye, letting in the day and now I could feel my brain slowly switching on. My still sleepy vision could still make out the glaring red numbers on my electric alarm 10:13 AM

Urghhhh ….damn… I really didn’t want to wakeup…. Way too comfortable.

I don’t think I’d slept so well in … I can’t really remember but I have a hunch sleeping in the same bed as Ari did the trick. Whenever he slept over at mine, I always felt like I slept better, deeper and more peacefully.


There was one reason to open my eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision focused on the bare tanned chest my head was lying on and as I looked up I could see Ari’s sleeping face.

One of his arms was under his pillow and the other was slung on top of the duvet over my waist, almost holding me to him while our legs had somehow become intertwined in our sleep.

I couldn’t say I minded and I saw absolutely no reason to move my butt one inch out of this position– especially since (sigh of relief) I remembered to wax my legs recently. So if my pyjama bottoms legs had risen he wouldn’t feel any porcupine like spikes.

I was also incredibly aware that Ari was wearing nothing but boxers. Which admittedly had been what he usually wore to sleep over at mine and it was kind of normal but now it felt different.

I smiled to myself as I looked up at Ari. He really was tanned, and combined with the soft morning light from my curtains he seemed to be all angles, his face looked so peaceful, his sandy blonde hair was slightly ruffled and the slight fluttering of his eyes as he slept made me think of what he was like when we were younger.

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