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Ayyan's Office

"Why do you come so early these days? Do you wait for something?"
A colleague of Ayyan asked.

"No. I come early to avoid someone."
Ayyan replied.

Yes. You guys guessed it right. He's talking about none other than Reeha.

It's been 1 week since the reception. Staying with her is not bad, but what irritates him the most is her nonstop banters and stupid questions.

How can a person talk so much without any break? 

Sometimes Ayyan thinks Reeha doesn't even breathe while talking. And not to mention her stupid questions. Listening to it, sometimes Ayyan thought of killing himself.

Flashback Starts

2 days before Ayyan was watching a football match with Reeha sitting beside him.

"Why are they not touching the ball with hands?"
Reeha asked looking at the screen.

"Because it's a football match."
Ayyan replied in a 'duh' tone. 

"Then why is that guy using his hand to play?"

"Because he is the goalkeeper. They can stop the ball by anyways."

"It's cheating. They are differentiating with the other players."

"What? It's the rule, Reeha. That's how the game is played."

"But they are doing injustice to the other players. Stop watching this stupid-illogical game."

"No. They are not. It's you who's stupid and the dramas that you watch are illogical."
Ayyan said getting annoyed.
How dare she insult his football match!

"I'm stupid? Fine! I'm not talking with you anymore."
Reeha huffed.

"Good. Now let me watch peacefully."

A few minutes later.


Rayyan called him coming inside the room. Reeha trailing behind him with a smirk.

"Why are you scolding, Reeha?"

"What? I… When?"

"Just because she asked you how your day was, you called her stupid! Is this the way to behave with your wife?!"

"What? REEHA! You Liar!"

"See, bhai. He is again shouting."
Reeha said like a helpless woman.

"AYYAN! Stop shouting at the poor girl. This is the last time you are doing something like this or else I will not leave you."
Threatening, Rayyan went away.

"You Sly Fox."

"That's what happens when you call me stupid."
Sticking her tongue out she said.
"Now Shoo. My drama will be starting."

Before Ayyan could say anything, Reeha snatched the remote from him and started watching her drama.

Flashbacks Ends

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