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As my exams are postponed for the time being, so thought to give an update. Hope you guys will enjoy reading it.🤗

Malik Mansion

It has been 3 days since the police caught Jaleel. It feels as if a burden was reduced from everyone's shoulder. They became a bit more lively. Mainly Mr. and Mrs. Malik.

Rayyan tried another attempt to beat the hell out of Jaleel in the jail. But at the last moment, Ravi prevented it.

'God! He was really an unpredictable one.'

Seeing his madness, Myra threatened him to behave or else she'll never come back to the Malik Mansion. At last, hearing her Rayyan stopped his madness.

Only Myra can handle him!

Ayyan started going to the office. The workplace also helped a lot to divert his mind. After his outburst, neither he nor Reeha talked about it. And Ayyan was grateful to Reeha for not bringing the topic.

Mr. Malik, who used to stay in the study room most of his time, has started going out to meet his friends like before. There's a look of satisfaction on his face. Satisfaction of finding his daughter's culprit.

Mrs. Malik, who used to confine herself in Ayana's room, fearing anything might happen to her anytime, is now a bit relieved to know the culprit is in prison. No one will be able to harm her daughter. She has now found a new hobby much to Reeha's dislikeness which is to teach Reeha to cook. And the person who gave her this thought was no one other than Mrs. Ahmed.

In all this, the person whose life has almost become a torture is none other than Reeha. Poor girl is forced to wake up at 7 am, which for her is like waking up in the middle of the night. And then Mrs. Malik takes her to the kitchen where she has to spend the whole day. She can't even ask her savior, Myra bhabi, to help.


"Am I really your daughter?"

It was half-past six when Reeha called her mother.

"What nonsense are you spouting in the morning?"
Shaina Begum asked in her sleepy voice.

"How can you do this to your own daughter? How can you corrupt my innocent mother-in-law's mind by giving her ridiculous ideas of teaching me to cook?"

"Ohh! That... it's for your betterment. What do you do in that house except eating and sleeping? You can't stay like that for the rest of your life. Moreover, it will also help Mrs. Malik to divert her mind."

"Why don't you say clearly that you are jealous of me? You can't see me relaxing. How can you do this, Mumma? Tell me the truth, am I adopted?"
Dramatically, Reeha asked.

"Of course not. Why will we pick you up? Did you call me this morning to spat this nonsense?"
This time in an irritated voice Mrs. Ahmed asked. Her daughter was ruining her beauty sleep.

"Yes! And you have to hear me out. You-"

Before Reeha could complete, Shaina Begum cut the call from the other side.

"Hello! Mumma? Did you just hang up on me? Mumma!! Ugh!!!"

"What happened?"
Ayyan, who just got ready to go into the office, asked, seeing Reeha glaring at her cell phone.

"I can't believe she cut the call on my face."
Frowning, Reeha said.

"Is cooking that tough?"

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