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Early update! ;)

Hope you guys will enjoy it.💜

Btw I have added a few dialogues in chapter 43. The part where Zafar and Jaleel talk. Nothing major though. But I would suggest you to check it before proceeding to read as it's linked with this chapter.

Ok! Now no more talking. You can proceed to read the chapter.
Happy reading.😊

Ravi was in a meeting with other officers when Saim, the junior officer working under Ravi barged in.

"Excuse me, everyone."
Excusing himself, Ravi dragged Saim outside the room.

"Are you crazy or what? I get that you are new in here but you can't just barge in an official meeting. You could get suspended!"
Ravi rebuked him.

"But sir... it's ... important. You need to... come with me."
Panting Saim said.

"Take a deep breath. Now say. What happened?"

"Sir... Jaleel... he... he is asking for you."

"For me? Why?"

"I think... he... he wants to confess."


"Why did you want to see me?"
Entering the interrogation room, Ravi sat on the opposite side of Jaleel. Saim was standing beside Ravi.

"I want to confess."
Jaleel said. His face is devoid of any emotion.


"The incident which happened in the forest... It was my doing."

"Are you admitting the charges pressed against you?"

"Yes. A year back Zafar sir appointed me as his driver. From the first day, I was attracted towards Ayana Ma'am. I tried to approach her in different ways but she always turned me down."
Jaleel lied blatantly.

"So you tried to force yourself on her?"
Saim questioned. Being young and new in the job he was curious to solve his very first case.

"I proposed that we can have little fun behind sir's back but that bit*h slapped me. My ego was hurt. She was too proud of her beauty. So I wanted to ruin her. Her so-called beauty."
To make his lie convincing he cursed.

"You dirtbag!"
Saim was about to punch him when Ravi stopped him. Then looking at Jaleel, ordered.

"At first, I lured her in the forest. When I was about to drug her, she ran away from my hold and unfortunately, came in front of that boy... Fawad's car. And that stupid boy, instead of ignoring her, he tried to help her. I had to drug him too."

"So you framed him?"

"I had no other option. I was afraid. So I did what I thought was the best thing to do at that time. I used him as a scapegoat."

"You bastard!"

Saim was about to hit him.

"Saim! Behave yourself. Or else go out!"
Ravi warned.

Jaleel smirked at Saim's helplessness making his blood boil.

"I'm gonna ask you a few questions. I'll expect you to answer them honestly. Okay?"
Ravi asked, intently looking at him.

Jaleel nodded.

"Were you the one who forged the CCTV footage from that night?"


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