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They followed the man, Kaiser, and saw him waiting near the bus stop. A few minutes later a bus stopped in front of him.

"Team-3 get ready. The moment any person from the bus goes towards him we'll catch both of them." Ravi instructed through the walkie talkie.

"Okay, sir."

A guy wearing a cap and a mask started coming towards him.

"Team-3 NOW," Ravi shouted.

The guy saw the police and started running whereas Kaiser was caught on the spot. The police ran after the guy but unfortunately lost him.


Kaiser was sitting inside the interrogation room. Ravi and the other 2 officers were outside the room. Rayyan and Ayyan went away. They were not allowed here.

"I'll be going inside then." Informing Ravi entered the interrogation room.

"Your name is Kaiser, right? What's your relationship with Ms. Ayana?" Ravi interrogated him.

"I don't know her."

"What were you doing in the forest that night?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. You are harassing an innocent public. I'll complain about you."

"Fine. Go ahead. Complain about me. But first, answer me if you are really innocent then why did you run away seeing us? What were you afraid of? And who was the other person with you? Answer me."

"I want a lawyer. I won't say anything without my lawyer."

"Even if you call a lawyer you still need to answer my question. So instead of wasting time say it now." Ravi said but Kaiser remains quiet. Getting no answer from him, Ravi went outside.

"He won't reveal anything like this. We need to force him."

"Sir, the commissioner sir is calling you." A junior informed Ravi.

"Ok. I'm coming." Looking at his team he informed, "Let's take a 30 minutes break. It's already lunchtime so give something to that man and you guys also go and have your lunch. Let's continue this after lunch."

"Okay, sir."


"May I come in, sir?" Ravi asked the commissioner.

"Come in." "What am I hearing, Ravi? You are taking Malik's case?"

"Yes, sir. I was about to inform you today but got a new clue so-"

"That's not the point. Why are you re-investigating the case? It's already reached the court. Seems like you are free, that's why re-investigating the old cases to waste time. If that's the case then tell me I'll appoint you a new case." The commissioner said getting a bit angry.

"No, sir. This is not as simple as it seems. I think Something big and heinous is hidden behind it. That's why I am re-investigating it."

"And what might the crime be, you think?" Getting no reply from Ravi, the commissioner continued, "Look, Ravi,
I know you are compassionate about your work but this case is different. Public sentiment is attached here. One wrong move and with your whole career, the name of the station will be tarnished. Moreover, I don't want to lose a capable officer like you."

"I know, sir, but just because of public sentiment we can't ignore something wrong, right? And just see the bright side. If I'm able to solve the case then along with me the whole station's name will be brightened. Please sir I request you not to stop the investigation rather officially hand over the case to me."


"Please, sir. And if anything goes wrong, then I'll be responsible for that. About the station's reputation, I'll never let it down."

"I almost forgot that along with being compassionate how much conveniencable you are. Fine. I'll allow you. But one wrong move the case will be taken away from you."

"Thank you. Thank you so much, sir." Ravi thanked him with a smile.

"I hope I will not regret it."

"You won't, sir. You have my word."

"You may go now."
Saluting the commissioner, Ravi left the place with a grin.


"Here's your food." The constable said. Kaiser was inside the interrogation room with handcuffs. He kept his promise. He didn't disclose anything to the police. He knows HE will save him. No. HE will have to save him. After all, he has solid proof against HIM. HE will definitely bail him out of this place. But that inspector was annoying. After getting out of this place he will have to do something about the inspector. With all these thoughts he finished his food.


After lunch, Ravi entered the interrogation room with a newfound determination to make him confess.

"What were you doing in the forest that night?"

"I told you before and now I'm telling you again. I won't say anything without my lawyer."

"Did you help the culprit? Were you the one who attempts to murder Ms. Ayana?

"No. In fact, I didn't even go near her. He did everything." It was a slip of tongue.

"He? Who?"

"I don't know. Just know that I didn't do anything. Now let me go. If I knew I would be in trouble I would never go there that night. I'm telling the truth. I'm innocent."

"Just because you didn't do anything doesn't mean you are innocent. The one who neglects and turns a blind eye to the abuse is worse than the abuser. Now say who you were talking about. What did you witness?"

Kaiser didn't reply.

"Look. Don't test my patience. If you confess now your punishment will be less or else I'll make sure you rot in jail forever." Ravi scared him.

Kaiser looks a little frightened. He indicates Ravi to come closer. Ravi came close to him.
"Bring my lawyer. He will deal with you." Kaiser whispered as if he was telling a secret and then started laughing.

Not being able to control his temper, Ravi punched him.
"You bastard!"

"Pick that bastard up and throw him in jail," Ravi told the constable.

While laughing, suddenly kaiser started coughing furiously holding his neck.

"What? You think by pretending to be sick, I won't lock you up?"

White substance started coming from his mouth. Immediately Ravi went towards him and held him.

"What are you looking at? Go and call the doctor NOW." Ravi shouted to the constable who was watching.

"H-he w-will kill m-me," Kaiser whispered while coughing.

"Who? Whom are you talking about?"

"D-Do-Don't know..." He said something which Ravi didn't hear.

"What did you say? Repeat it." Ravi bent down a little to hear him.

"T-Ta-Tattoo.... Sp-spi-spider.... s-shoulder.... A-acc-accomplice...." Kaiser hardly whispered coughing.

Doctor came. Ravi was about to go to a side to give space to the doctor when Kaiser helds his hand and put a piece of paper in Ravi's pocket.

The doctor started checking him. After some seconds looking at Ravi, the doctor said,
"He's no more."

"What happened to him?" One of the co-workers asked.

"He was poisoned."


Thanks for reading. What do you think about the chapter? Let me know in the comments.

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