Chapter 69

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Happy Friday!

Chapter 69

The return trip home was quiet and fairly awkward between the four of them. They exited the floo with more grace than Jasmine thought possible since she almost landed face first on the floor. The main parlor lights were dimmed for the evening and the house was very quiet. Monty and Euphemia were nowhere to be seen.

Jasmine wanted an explanation for tonight's rather unprofessional turn of events. She would no doubt be hearing from the Black Family about this for some time. She wasn't sure if it was going to be in teasing or in scathing reprimand. Petunia did her best to avoid talking about her physical outburst, but naturally, James broached the subject with little to no tact. "So, that was a really impressive right hook. I think you almost broke Nott's nose."

There was a certain amount of pride in her cousin's voice and Jasmine had to resist the urge to smack him. She hadn't been there to hear the full exchange between Nott and Petunia, but James should have stepped in before it got to that point.

"Is there a reason that you didn't fight for Petunia's honor, James?"

Her cousin's cheeks pinked at the comment and Lily rolled her eyes. "I was speaking to Malfoy and got distracted. I only noticed that things had gotten out of hand when Petunia raised her voice. I forgot how much a prat Nott can be, sorry."

He honestly didn't sound that sorry...He had so much to learn in regards to dark family politics.

Jasmine let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. "James, Lily and Petunia haven't grown up dealing with these kinds of people. Dark magical families can be very spiteful if they feel wronged, you know this. You are their first line of defense to make sure they aren't taken advantage of and to call out people like Nott to make sure that there are no incidents that reflect badly on them."

"It honestly looked like he enjoyed the slap towards the end, if we're trying to see something good come out of this," Lily interjected with a light chuckle. "I think he has a crush on Tuny."

Dear Merlin, Jasmine hadn't been imaging the blush on his face.

Petunia straightened and looked like she was holding back a snarl as she turned on her sister. "I would rather punch him in the face again than allowed him to date me."

James rolled his eyes as he pulled off the tie that went with his robes with a practiced ease. "He'd be courting you, not dating. It isn't like his family would let him court you, but it would more than likely be a drawn-out process and he would have to work at wooing you."

"Would I have any say in this?" Petunia asked, arms crossed, her voice rising an octave as her hair started to fall out of the charmed curls Euphemia had done this afternoon before they left.

"Of course, you would have a say. The wizarding world isn't that antiquated, even though it came seem that way. You would just send a rejection letter and he should back off. If he doesn't, I'll take care of it," Jasmine promised with a dangerous note of finality. Nott wouldn't even know what hit him if he tried to take advantage of Petunia.

"That's good. I know that I don't have many rights in the magical world from what you have told me. It's nice that someone is looking out for me."

Jasmine let out a sigh as she pulled a pin out of her hair, letting her mane of black inky curls tumble down her back.

"Are you four back already? I thought that you would be another hour or so?" Euphemia called from the entry way. She had a crimson dressing robe wrapped tightly around her. Her salt and pepper hair and done up in a loose bun. Her wand was stuck through the center.

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