Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

The train ride back for the holidays was tense. The three Marauders were pointedly not looking at each other in an eerie silence. The only noise in the compartment came from Remus turning pages in his charm book. It was strange to see them so at odds with each other. Their last DADA lesson had nearly ended in a physical fight.

Jasmine had sent in her reply to the internship earlier in the week. She hadn't told anyone what she had decided on, she wasn't quite ready to share with the boys, but they knew that whatever she had picked it was their current attitude that had tipped her hand. Jasmine was going to disappoint someone regardless of what she chose.

Honestly, Moody should have just minded his own damn business.

This nonsense had started off with another random attack during class. Their lovely professor had been attempting to teach them "constant vigilance". For the most part, the Marauders thought that it was a fairly fun game, even if it made everyone paranoid. They sure as hell made fun of it in the common room on more than one occasion as they teasingly hexed each other. Moody hadn't really bothered to shoot spells at Jasmine recently, but she wouldn't put it past him to lure her into a false sense of security.

It wasn't until Moody had the group start to practice with each other that things got heated. Naturally, James and Sirius paired off with each other and would send aggressive spells playfully back and forth. Jasmine had paired herself with Severus. He proved to be quite the talented duelist and she knew from future experience he would continue to a formidable opponent on that front. Usually for assignments like this, she would join Remus, but he had a soft spot for her and she really didn't feel like wiping the floor with him today.

"I heard that you may not be returning to Hogwarts next year," Severus mentioned between spells as he wiped a bit of sweat from his brow, his long hair tied back and out of his face. It was still straight and long, but cut nicely and in a more agreeable pureblood manner. He was much better groomed now that he lived with his grandfather. Not to mention that his hair wasn't nearly as greasy as it had been. Jasmine figured he was more than likely on a very specific haircare regiment.

"And where did you hear that lovely rumor," Jasmine replied sending a rather tricky bit of transfiguration near his feet to try and trip him up.

He hopped backwards, avoiding the sudden lack of floor where his feet had just been moments prior. "Regulus," he answered with a shrug. Jasmine flicked her wrist, sending a silent spell his way. He winced and let out a strained hiss as a stinging hex clipped him in the shoulder.

"I haven't made my decision yet, but-"

There was a small exchange of raised voices from her right before a body crashed into her as a spell sailed overhead. She couldn't tell who it was that had pushed her, she hadn't been focusing her vision out that far before she was sprawled out on the ground. By the mop of wavy black hair in her mouth, and the expensive cologne, she assumed it was Sirius. "Padfoot, get off of her!" James snarled, pulling his best mate off of her.

Sirius grabbed James' hand and removed it from his person. "Look, Prongs, I was just trying to make sure she didn't get hit."

Moody must have been throwing spells again, by the smug grin on his face, he definitely caused this mess. He might have actually gotten her that time had Sirius not Gryffindored his way over and shoved her to the ground. Severus was a good enough opponent for her to need to focus most of her attention on him. The conversation had taken the rest of it.

Though, James' reaction to Sirius helping her was a bit off from his usual cheery self. The two of them were glaring at each other as the dog animagus helped her off the ground. Jasmine brushed herself off and turned to look at her professor, who was observing James and Sirius with a critical eye.

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