Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Dear Jazzikins,

I can't believe that it has already been two months since I've seen you. This is the first letter that I have managed to get to you. The two other letters I sent came back unopened. I know you mentioned that the mountain ranges you've been traveling through don't have decent magical reception, hence this letter being sent to the nearest rest stop on your internship itinerary. It's awful that the mirrors can't be used yet, but thanks to Mrs. Potter I can have this letter delivered to you as soon as you enter your first stop in civilization.

Hogwarts isn't the same without you. Prongs managed to get Head Boy, the traitor. We're all stilling trying to figure out how that happened. Dumbledore might actually be losing his mind. James probably told you that in his letter, but I still think it's mad.

Lily is Head Girl, as if there was any other choice in our year for that position. I mean, you could have been a contender, but you decided to go on an adventure overseas. We have a new DADA professor, shocking, I know. The woman is ancient, but knows her theory of practical defense against the dark arts. She should be able to help us get decent scores on our NEWTs. She also doesn't seem to care what magical alignment we fall into, which is a nice change of pace.

You know what's ironic? All those new rules that Mrs. Potter was threatening Dumbledore with finally passed through the board of education. It only took two bloody years. Brightbark, despite not teaching here anymore, is being put on trial for attempting to reveal magical alignments publicly and without consent. Dumbledore was fined, he got nothing more than a slap on the wrist. I honestly doubt he knew what a fanatic Brightbark was when he hired him, just that he was anti-dark magic. My father thinks otherwise, but who knows...

NEWTs are a nightmare, be glad you don't have to do all the work for them. McGonagall has been in a mood the entire term. We've had so many detentions. We only charmed four random toilets to sing on the sixth, fourth and nineth floors this month and only enchanted the great hall ceiling once. We didn't need two weeks of detention for that, now when the toilets started trying to flush students, then maybe we deserved it, but to be fair, that wasn't us. Did we get blamed for it? Maybe. Was it hilarious? Officially, no, but unofficially, yes.

It was Charles Flint that set the toilets on the other students.

In other gossip worthy news...Peter is back and attempting to get into our good graces again. Though, none of us are in the mood to humor him. Prongs is too busy sucking Lily's tongue out of her mouth to notice. Mooney has been otherwise occupied, more on that in a minute. Marlene is constantly trying to get into bed with me, what else is new? She thinks that without you here she can just step into your roll. Not possible and I don't want her to.

Though, once again, we never shagged. So, her attempts are futile.

Speaking of women at Hogwarts and the are never going to believe this.

You should know, Mooney is a traitor, Jazz. A huge bloody traitor. Our delegate from Japan arrived earlier in August and we spent days getting to know each other. She's very pretty, very serious and has an attitude I think you would like. She joined us at Hogwarts during the second week of September. And, I know, you have to be thinking to yourself, how does this make Mooney, our dear sweet Mooney, a traitor? Well, the two of them hit it off! She is a creature rights activist. Her entire family is known for it. I think Mooney is in love. He pines for her regularly. They write letters constantly. It's sickening.

I hope that you find a decent place in Central America to use to the mirrors. I miss gossiping to your face. Writing it all down seems petty.

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