Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Marlene and Alice were still asleep in the car as Mrs. Evans got out with Petunia behind her. The older girl was glaring at James and Sirius as if they had personally offended her with their mere existence. They looked like regular teenage boys, dressed in basic muggle clothing, nothing too glaringly wrong. They looked completely normal, if Jasmine was being honest, but she was a little bit to peeved off to care. Lily's face was nearly as red as her hair as she marched towards them and Jasmine just wanted to smack them both.

What were they thinking?

"So, you boys go to school with Lily?" Mrs. Evans asked, more than likely not realizing that James was the Potter boy that Lily had no doubt been complaining about for the past five years. At least she was making some kind of effort to be civil to two boys that obviously infuriated her daughter with just their presence. If Jasmine were to believe them and they were just there to pick her up, they shouldn't be scolded for it. No matter how much she wanted to scream at them for invading Lily's personal space after she had explicitly asked them not to. Jasmine had promised that the Marauder's wouldn't cause her trouble at home.

James nodded his head and took the woman's hand, a picture of outdated courtly manners. "Yes, we're in Gryffindor together, Mrs. Evans. Lily has only ever spoken fondly of you, we're glad to finally make your acquaintance," James replied, kissing the back of her hand with all the grace that only years of pureblood training could create.

Lily's mother actually blushed, her cheeks flushed a pale pink at her cousin's antics. "Well, I'm glad that my daughter has made such well-behaved and gentlemanly friends while at school."

Jasmine mouthed the word gentlemanly towards Lily, who looked positively murderous. She appeared to be biting her cheek to stop herself from saying anything. Poor girl was going to bleed something awful if she didn't calm down.

"Ah, yes," Jasmine started, tone flat, her gaze pointed, "these two are the epitome of gentlemen, coming uninvited to a friend's home because they were curious about the muggle world." She wasn't even going to mention James' crush on Lily. It would be a little to awkward with her mother right there.

They had the decency to look towards the ground and shuffle a bit. It wasn't quite apologetic, but it was at least bashful, which was better than outright smug.

Though, Rosemary was giving Jasmine a strange look as she reevaluated the boys a bit. "James...that name sounds familiar...Lily have you spoken about him before?"

Jasmine doubted that Lily really ever used James' first name in front of her mother. Now, if she had called James "Potter" that might have gotten Rosemary angry. No doubt Lily had told some heinous stories about the Marauders to her parents. She seemed very close with her mother.

Lily let out a sigh, her cheeks regaining their normal pallor. "It's fine mum. They're Jasmine's friends-"

"Isn't James that Potter boy you always complain about, but secretly like?" Petunia interjected, speaking up for the first time. All heads turned towards her, her blonde hair fanning in front of her face to hide the blush creeping up her neck at the attention.

"Tunnie!" Lily shrieked covering her face with her hands. Petunia's smirked at her sister and for the first time, Jasmine could really picture this young woman in Slytherin house. The older girl had waited till the perfect moment to drop that tidbit of information, like any good sibling. She would have been a force to be reckoned with if she had magic. Maybe it was for the best that she didn't the world was a slightly safer place.

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