Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Lunch, despite Lily's best efforts, was still awkward. Marlene, to no one's surprise, was not in the mood to even attempt to be civil. Mrs. Evans had ventured back off into the kitchen while they ate, not wanting to disturb her daughter and her friends any more than she already had. That seemed to be the only thing holding Marlene back from truly insulting Jasmine's honor too loudly, lest their host hear her. At least the girl had some concept of manners...or she didn't want to see which parent Lily got her temper from.

"You know, Jasmine, you were right," Marlene began after she patted her face with a paper napkin, eyeing Jasmine's entire wardrobe, which was honestly very muggle and very practical. Marlene's dress was a nearly a decade out of date and the frills on her wrists had never been in style. Jasmine wasn't even going to comment on Alice's choice in clothing. Lily had obviously redressed her in pleated mini-skirt and top, but it didn't fit right, and Alice looked less than comfortable in it.

Jasmine let out a long sigh over a forkful of pasta. She'd respond, if only to see what tripe was going to come out of Marlene's mouth. "What was I right about this time?"

Marlene's grin was positively feral. "That even with makeup on, you could still see the scars on you face. I'm surprised Mrs. Evans didn't have a heart attack when she saw you," she replied in a sickeningly sweet tone, and then, for a moment, looked thoughtful, "Though I bet that Lily prepped her. Telling her to expect a minorly deformed teen to come in, tell her to keep the neighbors away for the day, don't want them to think their daughter is associating with the wrong sort."

If Harriet hadn't been treated like that at the Dursley's for multiple lives, she'd think Marlene was making that kind of mindset up when it came to the neighbors. Though, for a moment, Jasmine thought that stabbing her sounded like a great idea.

In through the nose.

Out through the mouth.

Deep breaths.

She was not going to take the bait. She wasn't. No matter how tight the grip on her knife got. Murder wasn't going to solve this. In the moment it might feel good, but it would only set her plans back, maybe even cause a full restart. Jasmine couldn't have that, no matter how much pleasure it might give her.

There was a loud clap from the other side of the table that brought Jasmine out of her rage. Lily had slapped Marlene, hard enough that it echoed. Lily's face was beginning to match her hair and Marlene looked positively shocked at her friend's behavior. Jasmine had only seen her this angry when dealing with the Marauders. "That was uncalled for, Marlene! Jasmine looks fine and she is not deformed. Who the bloody hell do you think are you talking to her like that?"

Marlene scoffed, flicking a piece of blonde hair out of her face with a perfectly manicured hand. Even if the red hand mark was taking away from her little stuck up aesthetic. "You and I both know that's a lie. Everyone is going to run away from us while we're in London because of her face." She even pointed the path her scars took on her mouth for emphasis.

What a bitch.

They had even been friends in the beginning of the year. It was odd to think that things had changed so much and Jasmine still wasn't exactly sure what had triggered Marlene's intense hatred in her.

"That's enough, Marlene," Alice snapped, smacking her hands on the table, much to everyone's surprise. It wasn't often that she got involved in any kind of conflict. This must be the woman that Frank had fallen in love with, a young witch with a fire in her eyes when a friend was in need. "I've sat back long enough. You are taking things too far. I get that you wanted to date Sirius and that didn't happen, but Jasmine isn't dating him either. She had nothing to do with you being rejected a year before she started Hogwarts. You need to grow up or we'll leave you here."

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