Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Jasmine figured that this was going to be a long afternoon filled with grumbling and a small bit of teen pettiness from the two of them. She might have lived nine lives before this, but sometimes, Jasmine found herself giving into the age she was currently living in. She honestly never really got the chance to act her age in her other nine lives.

Even though Jasmine could see Sirius' point about her needing some kind of chaperon for the sake of her image, she didn't want one. She didn't want a reputation of being someone that needed her allies to save her when she felt that she was in over her head. Jasmine Peverell was no weak-willed witch and she felt that when both James and Sirius ganged up on her, that they were removing her agency. She understood that the times were a bit different here, not that much had changed twenty years in the future, but witches were allowed to speak to older, single men without being called sluts in the nineties, at least that's how it had been for her. There was also the fact that James and Sirius were also raised differently from the companions she was used to having.

Blaise and Theo had always let her make her own decisions, they'd object if they were truly stupid, but for the most part, they'd let her be. Blaise honestly actively encouraged her dumber ideas, more often than not, he took part in them. He had never strong armed her with Theo to make her so something she was didn't want.

Her Italian friend had grown up with a strong single mother, who killed to protect her child. He had never forgotten how he'd been raised, so he knew better than to try and push any witch around. Theo was Theo. He was an odd duck and just wanted Harri to be herself, and if that meant defeating a dark lord and being a headstrong witch, then so be it.

Propriety be damned.

Honestly, in more lives than one, most of the wizarding world thought that they were in some kind of threesome together. Blaise always thought that it was hilarious and loved teasing The Prophet by making, what could be construed as romantic gestures, towards both Theo and Harriet on a regular basis once they'd leave Hogwarts, and during, if she was being honest with herself.

She sighed, those days were long over. Jasmine was going to have to have a long talk with both her cousin and Sirius when this was over. This was last time she was going to let them dictate what she was going to do.

It was rather quiet as they made their way towards The Three Broomsticks, neither willing to make the first move towards conversation. She could almost see the tension radiating off of Sirius as he walked through the village for the first time since the attack. Then it dawned on her that this might not have been the best idea. Sirius shouldn't be here so soon after the attack, especially not after having just had a rather vicious row with her.

Most students chose not to stray outside. There was still general fear of the dementors returning, not to mention most students were avoiding the still section off areas where the dead bodies had been. They were magically sealed behind a visible blue warding barrier. Jasmine could still feel the touch of Death through the crisp spring air. It was a light touch, nothing oppressive or malevolent, it was almost sorrowful. Three young souls taken before their time.

Even Death could morn the loss of the young. The lifeforce pure, in no way deserving of the fate brought down on them, but Death stopped for no one, save his Master.

For a moment, she could almost swear she saw Death's outline near the magically sectioned off area. The Deity's haunting stare watching her every move. She stopped, no that wasn't right...Death was glaring at Sirius, unblinking as the Black Heir stopped next to her, looking right past Death. Jasmine puckered her lips slightly, about to mentally lay into the Deity to leave Sirius alone, for whatever reason, but in the blink of an eye, Death was gone, leaving no trace of his existence.

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