Chapter 37

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Happy Friday!

Chapter 37

It was later that evening when Jasmine found herself dozing in front of the fire in the common room. The chill from that afternoon still hadn't left her bones and the fire was one of the only things that she found that truly warmed her up after a dementor attack. She'd told Lily as much when her roommate had caught her sneaking back downstairs. Jasmine was glad that Lily didn't push for further details, she just wasn't up for her inquiries today. "Just make sure that you're awake in time for breakfast," Lily warned, before Jasmine descended the stairs with a grateful smile and a halfhearted wave.

It was nice when Lily knew when to give her space. It was leaps and bounds better than the beginning of term. Jasmine hadn't been in a talking mood this evening, barely giving anyone more than grunts after she left the infirmary. She more than likely should have stayed, but Pomfrey was overwhelmed with volume of students she had to take care of, not to mention identify the husks of a few students the dementors had feasted upon. So far two first years had died, neither had lived to see Harriet's future as far as she knew. Fate took them one way or another.

Dumbledore and Brightbark left her alone, after the deaths started being reported. She proved her innocence for the time being...until they found something else to blame her for. The headmaster had more pressing matters to attend to, sending letters out to families regarding the death of their children was enough to even stop Dumbledore's scheming in its tracks. Jasmine hoped that they find whoever destroyed the warding on Hogsmeade.

Jasmine doubted she'd sleep at all tonight. The screams of her dying friends over the span of nine lives filled her ears constantly and grisly images of wars yet to come swam in her vision. She hoped the kids that lost their lives found peace in the afterlife. Death owed them that much for having their souls taken so young.

The quiet cracking of fire did little to calm her as she shifted on the sofa once more, her winter robe only just covering sock clad feet. Jasmine was tired and irritated, but the dementor attack left her with a tad bit of insomnia. Every time she attempted to sleep her nightmares would materialize behind her eyes. There were just too many dead and mutilated bodies that had been drudged up from her memories to allow her to rest.

So, here she was, the Master of Death, shivering in front of a fire, afraid to close her eyes. She knew that it would be some time before she could truly access her powers, but it still made her feel useless and cold...

"You couldn't sleep either?" a voice croaked from behind her. Jasmine jumped her wand pointed and ready, but it dropped rather quickly when she realized that it was just Sirius, clad only in a loose muggle t-shirt he had to have bought to piss his mother off and thin sleep pants. Not something an heir to ancient and noble family should be wearing, at any rate.

Much like Jasmine, he had been released as soon as he had eaten some chocolate and checked on Remus. The werewolf had been properly panicked by the time both James and Sirius had made their way shakily over to him. The three of them then had a manly cuddle puddle together on Remus' bed until Pomfrey shooed them out.

Though, looking at him now, shaking and twitching, Jasmine wondered if that had been a good idea on Madam Pomfrey's part to let him out. Sirius looked worse for wear and Jasmine saw him after he had almost been paralyzed in a duel. His eyes were a dull, haunted grey and he looked as cold as Jasmine felt, even though he had a comforter wrapped around his tall frame, he was shivering. Maybe both of them should have stayed in the hospital wing overnight...

"No, dementors tend to have that effect on people," she replied patting the spot next to her on the couch. Honestly, she felt like she was calling a dog.

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